400 Swirl Pot replacement

400 Swirl Pot replacement



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Wednesday 12th June 2002
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Next on my long list of jobs to do on the 400 is the replacement of the rear fuel pipes and filter.While im going about this I was thinking of replacing the swirl pot for a nice ally one from Wedge Automotive, I have been told however that the swirl pot hoseing to the tanks is a pig to replace, ie not enough room to slide both ends on without moving a tank! anyone done this job? advice appreciated.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 13th June 2002
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Never had that sort of problem. Be prepared to cope with lost of fuel though!Even when empty, there can be several litres hidden.

Demon Tweeks do the pots as well.



1,165 posts

278 months

Thursday 13th June 2002
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Steve, which pot is it in the Demon Tweeks Catalogue??
I need something for the Tasmin 200 to feed into a standard Cosworth pump and filter.They are mounted on the plate in front of the N/S trailing arm where the 280 would have it's pump.
Where does the swirl pot mount?
Regards SteveE


Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Thursday 13th June 2002
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Thanks Steve, I,ve got the Demon Tweeks catalogue so will have a look through it. At least i can tackle the job in the knowledge that i can leave the tanks in place!West Midlands Fire Service on stand by!