


Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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hi,i have just changed my oil from synthetic to a thicker normal oil ( my car has done nearly 100 thousand miles and the synthetic is a bit thin, i have used some rover dealer recommended oil for cars over 80 thou miles), i asked miller and castrol about going back to normal oil after using synthetic and they both said it was ok to do so (people always say you can't go back), my problem is that i wasnt expecting so much oil to be left in the pump, because it is the remote filter it cant be left for ages to drain properly, will this mix ok with the new oil?
Also pressure seems to be ok at tickover but if i pick the revs up to 4 or 5 thousand the pressure seems to go up fairly high ( getting on for 50 psi) is this ok and what happens if the pressure gets too high, all the books warn about low pressure but not high.
Any help will be much appreciated, (unless you tell me i need a new engine just as the sun is comming out) thanks jon.


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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I don't think you have a problem at all. My 450 runs Castrol GTX 2 and on the road the oil pressure is just under the 50 PSI mark on the gauge, dropping to around 25 ish on tickover.

Wedge automtive look after my car and they recon that fully synthetic oils are too thin for an engine designed over 40 years ago.

Enjoy your wedge to the max when the sun is out !!!




Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Wednesday 12th June 2002
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I'm less worried now, and it seems to have settled down and is running better than ever. thanks. jon

Big Okcaj

1 posts

273 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Hi John,I am new here but it sounds like you have taken the right direction with the oil, that synthetic stuff is great for newer engines with tight tolerances, but yours sound like its very baggy, so it needs something to take up the wear in the bearings etc, also with your car having a remote filter it will take a second for the oil to get to your bearings as it will have drained back slightly, which is due to wear in the oil pump, so the longer travel around the remote filter pipework should be looked into, but the oil should help. The cheeper cost of mineral oil will also encourage you to change it more regularly. Hope this has given you food for thought. Regard Okcaj.


1,196 posts

274 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Demon Tweeks stock a fully synthetic 20w50 oil specifically for older engines, my 400se still has the first oil change sticker from 1988 under the bonnet and it has always been run on synthetic with no problems to date but i prefere the thicker grade too.


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Upon my rebuild I was told that synthetic was too thin for the earlier V8 (Griff etc different?). So it runs on Valvoline mineral. Didn't want muddy the waters but its what I have been told. Comming up for its 9000 service shortly and sweet as a nut.


15,374 posts

280 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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David Batty, who I would imagine has seen the inside of more of these engines than I ever will in ten life times, uses Magnatec as standard in the Rover V8 engined cars he services (unless you specify otherwise). If it is good enough for him it's certainly good enough for me
