Broken Speedo

Broken Speedo



Original Poster:

45 posts

279 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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Whilst blasting along the M25 my speedo suddenly died, anyone know how to fix it?


11,823 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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Depends on what's broken!

Could be a drive cable (are they cable or electronic?) or something internally.

No simple answer to this.


Original Poster:

45 posts

279 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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Its a cable. It also came back to life again briefley before dying.


11,823 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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First bet would be the cable then. It may have frayed before finally giving up the ghost which would explain the death-throes.


104 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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I heard to change the cable the gearbox needs to come out. Is this true?


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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I heard to change the cable the gearbox needs to come out. Is this true?

Yes and no. Yes if you want to charge a lot of money but no if you don't. It is incredibly fiddly though and the cable is non-standard. Either get one made by Speedy Cables or get it from TVR. Oil it before replacing. Accessing the gearbox end is quite hard and tracing the cable back through the engine bay and behind the dash is difficult. You may need to remove the instrument cluster which is often rivetted in place behind the walnut fascia. Not difficult but a 30 minute job that can easily turn into 5-6 hours.



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Can the inner be removed without unscrewing the outer?


104 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Is the cable likely to be broken at the gearbox end? As mine died, came back to life again then died completely.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Can the inner be removed without unscrewing the outer?

If it is broken, then you end up removing part of the broken cable and usually end up leaving the broken bit in the speedo or gearbox which then means that 30 minute drop now involves taking even more of the car apart and sending it away...

The gearbox end is a little widget thing which is unbolted. The speedo end is unscrewed. Undo them and the chance is that both bits of the cable will stay intact inside the cover. Did have one on a Vixen where this didn't go according to plan and the speedo and cable had to go to Speedy Cables for some TLC.

Have a fully digital speedo on the 520 now.



8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Is the cable likely to be broken at the gearbox end? As mine died, came back to life again then died completely.

It can be broken anywhere. Favourite places are just inside the speedo when the end stays firmly attached. See other posting for more info.



104 posts

273 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Is there much involved in swapping over to an electronic speedo?


11,823 posts

295 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Depends on what sort. The cheapest and simplest solution is to get hold of a bike speedo (Halfords for about a tenner) and fit the sender to a wheel rim with the pickup mounted securely near it.

Several racers use it and it works fine.


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Depends on what sort. The cheapest and simplest solution is to get hold of a bike speedo (Halfords for about a tenner) and fit the sender to a wheel rim with the pickup mounted securely near it.

Several racers use it and it works fine.

How many bike speedos go upto 150 mph+?

I use a SPA digital unit with a Racelogic proximity sensor that is fitted so that it picks up off the wheel bolts. Swine to make and fit but as the car already has them to support the traction control and data logging computers, it was relatively easy. The SPA unit is programmable which means I can change wheels and adjust the calibration accordinbgly, will store peak speeds and do performance measurements. About £200 though...



14,944 posts

281 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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On my 400 the cable from the gearbox goes to an electronic unit under the bonnet (I think its a lifter switch for the engine idle) and thence, by separate cable to the speedo head. On both ocaisions mine has broken at the gearbox end.
Easiest way is to disconnect at GB end, (tough but not impossible and then extract the inner driver chord. Take this to someone and get one made to the same length. Then all you have to do is slide it into the (remained in place) outer sheeth.
Once thats all done, be carefull not to overtighten the connection to the gearbox cos otherwise the new cable will last about 10 miles (another lesson learned the hard way!) Oh, and graphite grease is best.
Andy 400se (anyone see (or hear) me at Le Mans?)


104 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Is there a bit on speedos in the wedge bible?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Is there a bit on speedos in the wedge bible?

Yes but in reality there is little to say about them apart from if they go wrong take them to a specialist, the cables break and are specials so get them made by a specialist and they are swines to get to!

But there's loads more stuff on the other bits!
