280i Windscreens
It looks like my windscreen has had numerous attempts to seal it along the top edge and does in fact leak. Is it worth taking to a windscreen place or am I asking for trouble?
Also, it is delaminating in a 2 square inch patch at the bottom right corner. Does anybody have any advice/experience regarding either of these issues?
Also, it is delaminating in a 2 square inch patch at the bottom right corner. Does anybody have any advice/experience regarding either of these issues?
It looks like my windscreen has had numerous attempts to seal it along the top edge and does in fact leak. Is it worth taking to a windscreen place or am I asking for trouble?
Also, it is delaminating in a 2 square inch patch at the bottom right corner. Does anybody have any advice/experience regarding either of these issues?
Sounds like it needs removing and rebonding. Windscreen place is the place to use but make sure they know how to cut them out. Delaminating cannot be cured. Somepeople paint the glass black so you can't see it so much...
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