What Fuel??

What Fuel??



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Tuesday 4th June 2002
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This may seem like a pretty old question buy now but what fuel is everyone using on there wedges??When the whole leaded thing happened i phoned TVR Power who suggested my 400 se engine may not have hardened valve seats because it was one of the first 15 produced.On this advise i thought better safe than sorry and used an addative and super unleaded.Recently i found a local service station still selling leaded 4 star but at £1.05 a litre!!!! Any owners using just unleaded encountered any problems reagarding valve seat wear or a drop in performance? Recently been told by David Geralds to use unleaded but i am a bit concerned.Your views much appreciated.


198 posts

294 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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I run my 350i on shell optimax (before optimax it was run on LRP) and have had no adverse effects, runs great.


Colin H


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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Its covered in the Wedge Book and in the unleaded FAQ on my website. Basically you need to worry about octane ratings more than unleaded vs leaded. Unless they fitted an engine made in the 1970s your is already unleaded friendly. TVR were stating that Wedges like the 350i and 390 were which were before the idea of the 400was ever thought about.
