84 280I Parts

84 280I Parts



Original Poster:

2 posts

273 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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Hi guy's, can any one tell me if the clutch master cyl.in a 84 wedge is from a Triumph? Also the fuel pump assembly is it Ford or Layland? I am in Canada and have a hard time to get any info, also the wind screen is it TVR specific? the local glass shop can not find a match for the DOT #, what are the cost's in the UK for the glass? Tank's guy's for the help. Have a nice day, eh!

P Oxley

15 posts

276 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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The clutch master cylinder is from a TR7. I just replaced mine on my 83 Tasmin with a Wilwood part number, WIL2602636, 5/8" bore. It is a direct replacement and cost only $68.Cdn. from CSC Racing in Newmarket Ont. CSC also bent up a roll bar for me that looks great. John Wadman at TVR North America in Toronto replaced my windshield a few years ago for $1200.Cdn.


Original Poster:

2 posts

273 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
quotequote all
Thank you Peter


11,352 posts

275 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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A quick note from over the pond
I replaced my windscreen here in Blighty for around £300 - tinted with the high tint band- rac autowindscreens