New wheels

New wheels



Original Poster:

14 posts

274 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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I have been looking of new wheels for my 280i but no luck, what size would I be able to use and where could I get them.


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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Errm - at Back Home there were four SEACs with four different sizes of wheel. Take your pick !

Seriously - You could always refurbish the old ones.


805 posts

277 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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When I was looking for new wheels I found a web site that has an on line ordering and has a list of all the wedges. See
I ended up buying another set of original alloys instead so I don't know what they are like but the prices look quite good to me.

>> Edited by gf350 on Thursday 30th May 22:01


Original Poster:

14 posts

274 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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Have got price for referbishing local might have to look at that.

thank you David


805 posts

277 months

Saturday 1st June 2002
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what are you paying for refurbishing the wheels? I want to get the best ones out of the two sets I have done.


1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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Big David,

I've got 3 good (and 2 not so good) standard 280 lattice style wheels with plenty of tread on the tyres if you're interested.

I'm in Lancashire (Rochdale) so probably just over th'ill from where you are.


56 posts

274 months

Tuesday 4th June 2002
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After much searching for new set of alloys for my 280 I ended up fitting 15" wheels off a 350 with slightly lower profile tyres to keep original diameter. Look better than std 14". Biggest problem I found is getting new wheels with correct offset as most are now for front wheel drive with larger offsets. Also Granada fittings don't seem to be that popular! Spare set of 14" going if anyone's interested.