TVRwedgepages BBWF coverage...

TVRwedgepages BBWF coverage...



Original Poster:

2,869 posts

291 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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I have just finished the BBWF coverage and uploaded the story to the Wedge site.

Have a look under the 'owners' section. I would like this to be correct so please advise any changes or additions. Please be kind!




989 posts

271 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Mike, it's good you're thinking ahead to next year, but it's still 2004 not 2005


edited to say : finished reading the rest now and top article

>> Edited by york33 on Monday 19th July 21:47


Original Poster:

2,869 posts

291 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Done. next.....


26,248 posts

267 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Absolutely spot on mate ....i got back about 3 hours ago - enough time to have been down me local and get pissed and telling me mates about it all.
pot noodle for supper (bad boy o course) and early night Any chance of telling the TVR club they can publish some of that in sprint to go with Streakies photos??


36,010 posts

293 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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When did Simon change his name to Steve?

Also, it should be mentioned that I was going to keep going under that black cloud that chucked it down somewhat. Linda was getting the carpet shampoo out ready

Otherwise, spot on as from here as well

>> Edited by jmorgan on Monday 19th July 21:45


Original Poster:

2,869 posts

291 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Hi Richard,

I have no issue with anybody using any part of the story or pics. If anybody wants any hi-res ones sent then give me a shout I have only got around 280 of them. Just give me and the site a mention.

I am going to offer it to Ted first though he deserves at least that. After all it was all arranged on one of his forum pages!

I would have liked to see some interest in the meet by the club or at least a mention on their website, after all it was only one of the most brilliant TVR events of the year - in my unbiased humble opinion!.

And it was FREE!.



6,034 posts

267 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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I look a bit rough,it almost looks like i had been up most of the night


Original Poster:

2,869 posts

291 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Jeff, job done. Next.....


Oh and stainless, why do you think that there ain't no pics of me!


36,010 posts

293 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Jcn 18 metting was Cirencester after them awful lights where I had to cool down........or am I being too picky


782 posts

272 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Great stuff.
Good to meet you at last.


19,311 posts

258 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Mike - I thought there was something seriously wrong with your camera lens ...

... and SWMBO pointed out that there was ...

... she said it made me look slimmer!

I have GOT to do something about the excess polo-shirt material - Streaky


26,898 posts

274 months

Monday 19th July 2004
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Nice one Mike, I've just let my tea go cold whilst I read that lot!

363 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and counting....



10,376 posts

292 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Great write-up Mike - looking forward to the next one already!


21,549 posts

293 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Very nice write up Mike !

Personally - I think they could use your write up inb Sprint - I know Tim Lamont (ACT) is doing a history of the SEAC ..

Yes - roll on the next on. With this king of interest there has got to be another. I'm happy to be involved again as it was a pleasure.


283 posts

284 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Nicely volunteered Rev.
Right just tell us where and when.
How many are you expecting to come?, is there enough parking space?, will it be good for photo’s?, will there be a BBQ? Where’s the related web page showing the count down?

I'll be there anyway can't wait
(just don't make it Aug 6th, got an appointment up the aisle! make it the 7th in the Lake district I'll be there with the wedge!)(bugger given the game away)


21,549 posts

293 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Happy to volunteer .. we probably need to wait until around the begining of the new year to make a start - not sure who else will get roped in (others leaving the wedge world etc..) ..

We can discuss what we would like to change - if anything etc much nearer the time !

My feeling right now was that it was a good formula - so we should not change too much.


Original Poster:

2,869 posts

291 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Taff-O don't forget.....

Vodka, Pernod, Blackcurrant, Lemonade and Ice!



1,404 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Great report Mike and it was nice to meet you at BBWF. Like the rev said, I think that you should consider sending it into Sprint, as that's just the sort of thing Derek was looking for...In fact, maybe we should all write a small piece on our weekend jolly for Derek?



1,053 posts

291 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Top job Mike, I know we like the SEAC racer but do you need 2 photies of it the same - taking up another space possibly dedicated to some other gorgeous wedges


Original Poster:

2,869 posts

291 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Bloody well spotted that man. i will go and fix that now.
