Mrs H is currently updating the website. Loads to be added. Send us any info, pics, gossip you would like to see on there.
I would like to thank not only yourselves and all those who have obviously worked so hard and long to organise such a marvelous event but also all those people who gave both myself an Janet such a warm and friendly welcome into the fold - Shadowfax (white 400SE)is our first TVR of any description (we had only collected the car from Jim less than 24 hrs earlier)and judging by both the enthusiasm of the members and the quality of the cars yesterday it is the RIGHT MODEL TVR
(or should that be RIGHTEOUS ? Rev-rend & Father Ted)
I hope everyone had a great time at the BBQ = sorry we had to leave early- and there were`nt too many hangovers this morning.
Cant wait for next year, but hope to see one or two of you at some point before then.
Steve & Janet
PS now that we are no longer wedgeless it has been suggested that a new name is required and in light of Jim christening the car Shadowfax Gandalf has been suggested (its all to do with Lord of the Rings) I would be interested in any comments or better suggestions.
(or should that be RIGHTEOUS ? Rev-rend & Father Ted)
I hope everyone had a great time at the BBQ = sorry we had to leave early- and there were`nt too many hangovers this morning.
Cant wait for next year, but hope to see one or two of you at some point before then.
Steve & Janet
PS now that we are no longer wedgeless it has been suggested that a new name is required and in light of Jim christening the car Shadowfax Gandalf has been suggested (its all to do with Lord of the Rings) I would be interested in any comments or better suggestions.
Just doing a bit of 20-year anniversary thread resurrection.
If you want to see the old BBWF web pages look no further:
If you want to see the old BBWF web pages look no further:
Gassing Station | Wedges | Top of Page | What's New | My Stuff