Rubber Spacers /Sill plates

Rubber Spacers /Sill plates



Original Poster:

28 posts

277 months

Wednesday 29th May 2002
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Sills and plate now cut and fabricated. A couple of the original rubber spacers damaged. Does anyone know where to source new? Tried Hexham Horesless Carriage but they cannot supply.(Have a feeling Wedge will probably be able to supply in polyurethane but charge a fortune).


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 29th May 2002
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Are these the rubbers between the chassis and the body? If so my early 350 looked more like "that looks like a fit" job.


1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 31st May 2002
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Phil, I don't think that these pieces of rubber are anything special. I replaced the rubber matting between the fuel tanks and body and some of the pieces you are talking about on the sills. I bought it from a place in Altrincham, Manchester called Atlantic rubber. They do loads of different types and thicknesses. (no jokes please).
Regards SteveE