Electric window motor.

Electric window motor.



Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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Anyone know where I can get one for an '84 350i. Mine's just given up the ghost.



36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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Has it jamed. Mine jamed at the bottom. Told they were expensive so freed it and never let it hit the bottom again. At the time a 83 350.


1,196 posts

274 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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I would be intrested in any suggestions on my 400 window motor too, it only has the power to raise the window with the door open!!


170 posts

279 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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The window motor of my '83 280i is also broken. Still looking for a replacement (Heard somewhere that Citroën fits in, but I'm not really sure of that)
At the moment it's a manual: Push is down, pull is up

>> Edited by Cathelijne on Thursday 23 May 22:05


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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Here's getting me arse shot orf but I heard Audi for the motors? Told to take me old one down to a local Audi/VW specialist and they might be able to help?

>> Edited by JMorgan on Thursday 23 May 22:33


Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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Has it jamed. Mine jamed at the bottom. Told they were expensive so freed it and never let it hit the bottom again. At the time a 83 350.

Yes it jamed down. No problems until it has been left outside in our recent bad weather while on holiday.



36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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I couldn't shift mine one day so I took the motor out. Had access to a bench power supply and hooked it up after cleaning and freeing. Ran fine until it reached the bottom, always. Gear mechanism would jam.
So thats why I never let it hit bottom. Cheap way but cheaper than buying a new/second hand one.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 24th May 2002
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It is a Lucas bit in some cars. The smart thing to do is talk to one of the Tasmin Racers who remove the window and motor and offer them some money (all racers are permanently hard up feeding their habit and voila you have a spare.



170 posts

279 months

Friday 24th May 2002
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I tried to contact some Tasmin racers by e-mail but they haven't replied (yet). I can't talk to them personally because there are no Tasmin racers around here and I haven't got the time to visit the UK.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 24th May 2002
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Obviously they are not so desperate for money as they claim to be in the paddock...



170 posts

279 months

Friday 24th May 2002
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I have found a pair of window motors on the website of the Tasmin Challence. But they cost £80.
Hmmm, that's about € 160 and I think that's quite a lot! And a secondhand alternative will cost about 10 or 20 euro, I think.
Ok, we have to fit it in but still it would be a lot cheaper as the original.

>> Edited by Cathelijne on Friday 24th May 14:37


26,901 posts

276 months

Saturday 25th May 2002
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On my 390 (oh no, here we go again....!) the window motors were made by 'CIM', which probably stands for something really obvious...;-)... however, the O/S one has a label stating 'Rockwell Automotive 2/15612 RH' so I guess that as the assemblies are handed, the N/S one would have 'LH' on it. Does this help...? Probably not, as when I did an internet search for Rockwell Auto, I drew a blank.
I know that on my Tasmin, the units were Lucas, encased in resin to keep the rain out. I heard that they were the same as used on the Reliant Scimitar, but whether this is kosher, or what mods TVR may have made I can't say.
From memory the units are rivetted together; I suppose if you drilled out the rivets you could strip the motor, clean the armature and source some new carbon brushes (there's a company called Electrocarbon who can supply anything in this field, we use them at work).
But then, I have nothing better to do with my life....;-)
