prop shaft removal

prop shaft removal



Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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Can any one tell me how to remove a 350 wedge prop shaft, i have removed the exhaust and the propshaft but cannot seem to get the clearance to get it out of the transmission tunnel, i have cantacted 3 specialists 2 say it is possible to remove it , 1 from the front, 1 from the diff end at the back, the third guy said the engine has to be lifted, i started this job hoping to get it done in a day and im still not convinced the shaft will come out. cheers any help would be appreciated


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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I took mine out OK. Exhaust was different so didn't have to move it. Just sort of dropped out. A reg trailing arm 350.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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I've done it all three ways and there is a fourth. The last time the 520 engine came out, Tower View showed me the clever way. The prop may be splined at the gearbox end and there is a knurled collar at this end undo this and the propshaft can be shortened to give the room to get it out. Be sure to mark the bits so that they can go back the way they came.
