Helpful Factory ....... not

Helpful Factory ....... not


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,362 posts

291 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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I've heard stories of people contacting the factor with their chassis numbers to find out a bit of info on their car. Just called and put through to the relevant person who was very curt. Told me that I would have to fax the info to them. OK I say, thats not a problem. Woman then replies in same curt sarcastic voice ' But I don't know when we'll have chance to reply, we don't have anyone specifically to do that job you know '.

Thanks TVR. My response is you can stuff your information up your ar$e.


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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So she was being truthful and honest. They don't have anyone who sits and waits for chassis enquiries. Virtually none of the Wedge information is on computer and if it exists at all would require a manual search. That takes a lot of time and in the scale of things is pretty low down in the priority.

Would you have preferred it if she had said that they would do it right away and nothing happened...


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,362 posts

291 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Hi Steve. I can see where you're coming from but you had to be there. Her tone of voice was really dismissive and condecending. Thats what really rubbed me up the wrong way.


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Hi Steve. I can see where you're coming from but you had to be there. Her tone of voice was really dismissive and condecending. Thats what really rubbed me up the wrong way.

I understand that is the Lancashire accent...


>> Edited by shpub on Monday 20th May 15:32


1,999 posts

277 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Cheeky Bugger!

Remind me to put a plum in my mouth when I bump into you at a meet, Mr Heath!

Andy - From Manchester (as are several PH'ers).


2,869 posts

293 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Wedge information is getting harder and harder to come by.

The trouble is that so many things have changed since TVR stopped making them and records get filed, archived, lost, misplaced, found, moved. People dealing with them come and go, and like any manufacturing plant the current projects take priority over everything else.

I have dealt with maufacturing plants (large and small) that cannot recall details about what they produced last year never mind 12 year ago!!.

TVR in the big scheme of things are a relatively small business and to expect 12 year info to be 'on tap' is a little too much to expect.

The firm that I work for has a similar size workforce and turnover to TVR and if they are anything like us, everybody is doing at least three jobs and generally stressed out trying to keep going in what is an increasingly competitive market sector.

Having said the above however, I would still like to be treated with respect by people on the phone, after all you could be buying a brand new Tuscan next week. But without knowing the details it is hard to comment, perhaps you just caught the person at a bad time!.

Fax the details off and see what happens.


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,362 posts

291 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Very true Mike. Are you going to try to get to the Chatsworth meet ?


2,869 posts

293 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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I would love to go (and to Pembray, and to back home etc, etc) but bathrooms and kitchens need fitting at the moment - and the missus has nominated me!.

Once I have got these big projects out of the way I have then got a bit more time to crack on with the serious business of playing with TVR's.

Had a blast out the other night with the boys (Jeff and Glenn) and blew a few cobwebs off the old beastie when 'er in doors wasn't looking.

Had the old look of death when I got back late mind.

Hope to make lots more Tasmin and Tuscan dates a bit later on in the year and hopefully meet up with all you guys.



14,944 posts

281 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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I'll be at Chatsworth Nick!
You got your starter problems all sorted out yet?
It's a long push home from his Lordship's estate!
Andy 400se

nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,362 posts

291 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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Hi Andy !
Yeah Starter sorted ( I hope ! ) . Towerview did a first class job. Been ill for the last couple of months but I hope to be at Chatsworth !
