Anyone know this car

Anyone know this car


Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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I would be interested to here from anyone out there who may have owned or worked on this car. Prior to me owning it it was on a private plate 2 DXD.

Any information would help me piece together its history in readiness for my legal battle against the dealer (scum) who sold it to me.

>>> Edited by Ian V on Friday 17th May 10:03


1,763 posts

276 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Ian what happened? Calm enough to tell?

(Don't name names or Ted'll bin the post ...)

Incidentally the car looks good anyway.

>> Edited by JohnLow on Friday 17th May 10:54

Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Hi John,

The car was bought from a main TVR dealer, but since joining the TVRCC I have discovered that the car is 'ringed'. The dealer refuses to offer a refund, so I currently have both the Police and Trading Standards looking into the situation. I will then take the dealer to court.


1,763 posts

276 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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From a main dealer? Gosh - (or words to that effect)

Have you tried the factory, they may put some pressure on the dealer (who has a franchise from them and presumably wants to keep it)?

On the other hand prosecution may force them out of business which would be good for everyone else!

In what way ringed? I recall you posted asking about 400SE production numbers - is it something else under the skin?

>> Edited by JohnLow on Friday 17th May 14:18

Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Hi again John,

The car is a 400se but on a 1982 reg, also the VIN plate and chassis number belong to a 1982 Tasmin 200 which was written off in 1991. I am in contact with the factory who have been, and continue to be, extremely helpfull. The engine number has also been changed, and the gearbox numbers have been removed. And the dealer says he has done nothing wrong !


11,298 posts

283 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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I really hate it when thingts like this happen.. I feel really sorry for you. People never think about the personal effect that things like this cause on general folk after the event, they just look at the bit of cash they can make on the quiet.

Most gutted for you

On a general note, without naming names etc.. shouldn't car dealers do HPI/registration checks etc. on vehicles as a matter of course.. and I assume the V5 said Tasmin on it? which to a TVR dealer must have looked odd..??

>> Edited by M@H on Friday 17th May 15:41


2,421 posts

295 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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The V5 for TVRs just says 'Make - TVR' 'Model - 2 axle rigid bodied sports'.

I've just checked on all the V5s I have in my collection and they're the same for Vixens, 3000Ms, Taimars, Tasmins etc. No specific model, just the information as detailed above.


1,244 posts

277 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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2 axle rigid...Same for a griff - not much help..


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Do a HPI check? Bit late now but might throw up info of use to you.


1,763 posts

276 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Second what M@H said - tough when it seems such a great car, to find this kind of situation.

Is the previous owner on the V5? Have you tried contacting him/her?
If there's a service book, could you contact the servicing dealers who've stamped it?
Is there any information about the original supplier, who'd've done the PDI?

Saying that, given what you've said, I assume the servcie record either doesn't exist or is fiction?

>> Edited by JohnLow on Friday 17th May 22:38


285 posts

278 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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My V5 says 'TVR' and the model says 'Chimaera Sports'.

My God - does that mean that its not rigid? I'm just going out to count the axles.

Seriously Ian - keep us all up to date on this one. Everbody's worse nightmare.



1,053 posts

293 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Hi Ian,

Really sorry to hear about the problems you're experiencing.. I don't know if you've already tried but you could write to the DVLA stating the current registration and asking for copies of all paperwork on file - cost is £5 - made payable to DVLA - you should get this back within a week or so and it will give you some evidence as to what has happened with the car linked with that registration including all the previous owners.

Best of luck..



1,763 posts

276 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Another thought: the VIN is the same as the chassis no. Is the chassis no. actually stamped on the chassis, does anyone know? If so, where?

In that case, Ian you might be able to find out the real chassis no., and from there the real origins of the car.



270 posts

278 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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To get to know a bit a the car history. You can remove a piece off the interior ( Door capping) because on each item is the last three digits of the VIN number written on it and most off the times the date that piece was made. So you then have a productionnumber and year and then it must be easy to search the record for the complete VIN-number.
Good luck with your search.


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Its actually a production number which may or may not be the last three numbers of the VIN. It may even have dates written on it. The door panel is a good place as is any of the interior GRP.

PS Ian I still owe you a email. Haven't forgotten but damaged the 520 at the weekend going into an earth bank at Hethel and desparately trying to get it fixed for Goodwood. The damage is mainly cosmetic but there appears to have been some sort of suspension problem causing the rear wheels to brake more than the front!!!

Really wierd!


Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Thanks for all the advise people. Sorry to hear of your problems Steve, e-mail me when you have time.
I have found the production numbers on the inside of the doors, and the factory have cross matched these to a few possible matches. The Police are currently looking into these. I will post more when I know. The dealer in question still refuses to except any responsibilty and has passed it over to his solicitor. Looks like I'm in for a long fight.


61 posts

294 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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There should also be some information at the end of the wiring loom,label stuck to the fuel pump or injection relays wiring next to your fuse box / relay board.

This sometimes has full vehicle details or at least manufactured date, which may be of some help ( if it's in tact of course ). I suppose that in legal terms it's better that all those trademarks of a ringed car
have been carried out to strengthen your case.

Best of luck & hope you get to the scum that did this.



450 SE

Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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I have just been informed by my local Police that my car is stolen. Looks like I now have no option but to take ROBIN BRUNDLE to court.


2,190 posts

280 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Cripes !!!!!

On the V5 point, my SEAC says TASMIN on the V5 but is definitely a SEAC ! I suspect Swansea may have classified a lot of Wedges as Tasmins simply because they look similar and the Tasmin got there first.

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2002
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Damn thats bad news. Where's the sod located Ian ? Does this mean the police are going to take the car off you ?