Wedges going 'Back Home' ?

Wedges going 'Back Home' ?



Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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I'm looking forward to my first visit to the Blackpool event this weekend. Are there many other Wedges going ?


11,352 posts

275 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Ill be there Sunday in my black 280FHC2+2


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Next year, but I've been saying that for the last 10 years. Finger out time I think.


2,190 posts

280 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Easy answer is NO ! I got my Back Home 'pack' yesterday and it lists all the TVRs attending. There are only 18 Wedges.
7 350i
1 350i FHC
1 350SE
1 390SE
1 400SE
3 450SE
2 450SEAC
2 Tasmin
See you all there


1,323 posts

278 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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I'll be there for the sunday afternoon.

Orange 280 FHC


2,190 posts

280 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Mass Wedge engine start - what do you reckon?

All the Wedges blapping their throttles will really make Blackpool Rock !

I've taking decent sound kit, so we stand a fighting chance of capturing the event for posterity....


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger Bugger next year I promise.


Original Poster:

19,928 posts

277 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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NACNUD - Sounds a fine idea to me, sometime on the Sunday maybe, after all its a day for peace and quiet etc... !!!

>> Edited by lazyitus on Wednesday 15th May 23:46


2,869 posts

293 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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I won't be able to make it either Can somebody get me some pics for the wedge site???.

Also, if you find yourself with a quiet (!) moment go and look in on Simon or Julie at the Leven Technology stand and 'hassle' them on my behalf to develop some more wedge bits!!



198 posts

294 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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I look forward to seeing and hearing wedge power this weekend, hopefully mine will be back on the road by the weekend (350i Gold).

I am a member of Blackpool region and will be helping out during weekend, I will have my digital and still camera's with me, if anybody wishes point me in the direction of their wedge and I will take photo's and pass on to Wedge Pages.

Take care and have a safe and enjoyable run to Blackpool.

Just had the good news, my car's ready

>> Edited by colinhewett on Thursday 16th May 19:53


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Dear all,

Got my pack as well from the club and the turn out of wedges is piss poor !!!

I am up for the wedges rocking Blackpool.
See you there

Come on all you wedge owners out there lets get it together and show all those chimps and toucans what a real TVR is !!!



349 posts

287 months

Friday 17th May 2002
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Was definitely going to go to this, but was sent back my cheque as the hotel was full. That was 8 weeks ago!
Oh well i'll just put the cost towards a trackday:-)

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Same here. I turned in my application and check prior to the 30 March 10 Pound discount, and was told that it was full as well. Last year, I turned in my materials one week before, and was able to go. Next year I guess.



1,053 posts

293 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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In a nutshell - couldn't make it either .. maybe next year.. at least I now have the car back having been without for a tad of time following some extensive work...


856 posts

293 months

Sunday 19th May 2002
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There was a nice turn out of Wedges at back home, more than there was on the club list. I was a bit disapointed in not getting around to see and have a chat with too many of the wedge owners this weekend, but family stuff and the c+*p weather minimised the opportunity.

Hopefully catch up with more of you over the summer.

Nacnud, your SEAC looks great, I gave it a good looking over in the car park but you were not around.




6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Just a thought for Next Year, IF the hOtel accomodation is full, there is a nice Hotel (place where Liverpool / Everton Teams regularly go ) just outside Liverpool (30 miles south). Private Carpark, Secure too!!.. Pool, sauna, gym, Very Good Food, at a reasonable £90 a night.

Ill be going next year, and Booking myself in there for the night.
