Help! Gearbox Oil?

Help! Gearbox Oil?



Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Help, does anyone know what gearbox oil I should use in my '84 350i manual? Thanks.



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Isn't it on the plate over the wing under the bonnet?


21,559 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Go to Halfords - it's the same as the SDi Vitesse.

It is a 'red' Automatic transmission fluid.

It does the same job as gearbox oil but it's thinner offering less drag.. more power !



36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Had mine changed at the last engine service. 'orrible when cold but great once its warmed up. Only problem is I can't remember what its called but it was over £8 a liter.


3,799 posts

290 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Bit of a contraversial one this as the SD1 Haynes manual recommends ATF (too thin you wear the gears out), the TVR wing plate says 80/90W ( too thick, trouble changing gear when cold) and I'm now on the castrol synthetic 70/90W stuff about 8 quid a litre but well worth it, how many times do you change oil anyway?



36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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He (DJE) suggested I give it a go when me motor was being serviced, so I did. Good stuff. Just have to take it easy until its warm, which you must do anyway with the engine.


Original Poster:

629 posts

278 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Cheers guy's just about to start doing it now, thanks for the help!


>> Edited by gavinr on Thursday 16th May 18:44