
Phil Dicky

Original Poster:

7,191 posts

274 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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I'm interested to find out about my old beast 450SE which had to be sold to pay off the ex-wife the b***ch.
Any info would be appreciated I sold it back to Tony at HHC back in 1995/6.
It is and was a top car and the fastest thing I have driven to date 165mph on the A1 one Sunday morning.


856 posts

293 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Hi Phil,

I have your old beast (the car that is!!!). She is residing in comfort in my garage. She has now got nearly 47K on the clock and had her upto 155mph at the Elvington Track day in March. I have owned her for ten months and she still goes like stink !!

Give me a shout if you want a reunion .

PS Car is NOT for sale !!!!



Phil Dicky

Original Poster:

7,191 posts

274 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
quotequote all
Nice to know that she is in safe hands and sounds like as fast as ever. Shame your not selling her but never mind. I'm gradually persuading the new wife on the benefits of TVRs looking for a Cerbera all being well, (now have two children). So will be looking out for you in the future.


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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I'm re-acquainting my SEAC with it's first owner this weekend.

Could have been tricky as there have been at least three different Reg Nos. Fortunately, there are not too many SEACs and this one had several unusual factory fitted bits of kit which helped make identification easier.

We got in contact through PH as well !

Phil Dicky

Original Poster:

7,191 posts

274 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Its getting quite addictive is PH I've been at work for 2 hours and done bugger all other than look at this site. I'll go under at this rate.


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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I will be at the TVR Back home event this weekend and hopefully (if the wife does not go into labour) at Croft for the Tuscan Challenge next weekend.

I live in Co. Durham, so not too far from you.




856 posts

293 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Forgot to mention, piccies of the car on the TVR Wedge pages web site in the Gallery section.


Phil Dicky

Original Poster:

7,191 posts

274 months

Friday 17th May 2002
quotequote all
I can't find the gallery could you give me the web site address .
I can't make this weekend family day and all that but keep me posted about the car.



856 posts

293 months

Friday 17th May 2002
quotequote all

TVR wedge pages, try Google and type in or try this:-


You can log onto this PH forum through this site.

