B 533 NLX

B 533 NLX



Original Poster:

19,311 posts

259 months

Tuesday 1st June 2004
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A 390SE initially owned by Simon Cox, consultant surgeon of Rickmansworth.

I just received a reprint of a road test of it and a Tuscan (TOD 238 J) from Classic and Sportscar magazine, April 1985. It must be one of the early ones with trailing arm suspension. In the photographs it's black with tan (biscuit?) interior, with arm-rests, full-length veneer where the glove-box is on later models and "button" type door (lock) pins. Under the bonnet it has red rocker covers with a pin-striped (in red) plenum chamber. The oil filter looks to be mounted higher up than on later 390s. Wheels are the framework ("Momo" - IIRC) type.

Anyone here own that now and want a scan of the four page article?


Rus Wood

1,233 posts

277 months

Tuesday 1st June 2004
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I would imagine that it is trailing arm. They were still knocking out trailing arm 390s in October 85.

I think the wheels were originally "MSW" and were probably body coloured centre which flaked off and were replaced under warranty.



Original Poster:

19,311 posts

259 months

Tuesday 1st June 2004
quotequote all
Rus Wood said:
I would imagine that it is trailing arm. They were still knocking out trailing arm 390s in October 85.

I think the wheels were originally "MSW" and were probably body coloured centre which flaked off and were replaced under warranty.

I wonder how long it took for the mod to work its way onto the production line? Obviously there were chassis in production when Chris Schirle modded my car (Spring/Summer 1985).

The car must have been produced between Sept '84 and Dec '84 as mine was the first produced in 1985 ("VIN" plate dates as Feb '85).

Report had car aged 1,500 miles and test must have been conducted early '85 (or late '84) - the trees are bare of leaves - so any flaking must have been an almost immediate problem.

The wheels in the picture are those shown in the Bible on page 209, top right photograph. The Parts Manual describes this type as "Momo" and lists them as available in "silver" and "gold"; but also indicates that these wheels were fitted up to DH5430FI (Jan '83), so "shouldn't be on a 390SE from late '84. Of course, Tiv buyers could specify the wheels they wanted and the factory would also use whatever they could lay their hands on. Mine (Feb '85) is "correct" and has the B.H.S Alloy wheels fitted to 280s, 350s and 390s from Jan '83.

As ever, nothing about Tivs is straightforward!



46 posts

144 months

Sunday 22nd October 2017
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Resurrection and a half! last post in 2004 - just wanted to point out that this reg was my dads TVR owned in the early nineties.

here it is, with him in the passenger seat.

c pryor

227 posts

192 months

Thursday 2nd November 2017
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Interesting picture. I have a copy of the aforementioned magazine with that article. I wonder if that 390 still exists ? GOV.uk usually yields some information.


1,080 posts

233 months

Tuesday 7th November 2017
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Resurrection and a half - you're not joking smile


3,444 posts

135 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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Thread resurrection. This car has been found intact in a scrap yard in Wrexham. An offer has now been made to buy it, and the furry dice, for restoration.


791 posts

47 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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Great stuff smile


219 posts

182 months

Sunday 10th October 2021
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superb - I thought this car had disappeared for good when I was researching 390's ... its the only the 5th 390se built ...


3,444 posts

135 months

Sunday 10th October 2021
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Potential buyer pulled out due to surface rust on chassis, so car is still for sale.


219 posts

182 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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Here it is reviewed in Sprint in Oct 85...

Edited by earlybay on Tuesday 12th October 09:31


2,739 posts

210 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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Interestingly in those sprint pics it had the under front bumper spoiler hanging down in the side shot / picture
Never realised they were used so earlier on.
Learn something new everyday

adam quantrill

11,590 posts

252 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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@earlybay Mike - the rest of the article if you please! :-)


219 posts

182 months

Tuesday 12th October 2021
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updated with third page of article ...

Also looking at the pics above - nice to see the chassis no. written on the drivers door checks out - the '5950' matches my list ...

adam quantrill

11,590 posts

252 months

Tuesday 12th October 2021
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Drip feeding us - I was more interested in the words, are there more words to come? Because what there is doesn't really talk about the wedge.


219 posts

182 months

Wednesday 13th October 2021
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adam quantrill said:
Drip feeding us - I was more interested in the words, are there more words to come? Because what there is doesn't really talk about the wedge.
Apologies Adam - not on purpose ! for some reason I dont seem to have the rest of the article -it was downloaded from elsewhere so unfortunately I dont have the original ...

Ive just been going over the old stuff I had collated when I was researching early 390's so when I get a minute I will create a separate thread on here to post all the things I have ...


3,444 posts

135 months

Wednesday 13th October 2021
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It still needs saving though and I'm not aware anyone has stepped up?


46 posts

144 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Further thread resurrection - did the car get saved? As posted 6 years ago my dad owned this and it would be a real shame for it to have not made it


7,873 posts

186 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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KKson said:
Potential buyer pulled out due to surface rust on chassis, so car is still for sale.
Years late, but what on the earth did they expect!


3,444 posts

135 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Agreed. A real shame. I'm not sure if it's still there or has now been broken up.