Noisy exhaust

Noisy exhaust



Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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My Tasmin 280i has a Langford exhaust system for European V6 cars. I know it's bloody noisy but I can't compare it with other Wedges. Does anyone have an idea how it's rated on the list of Loudest Exhausts?

>>> Edited by Cathelijne on Monday 13th May 15:55


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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No idea, but my 400 puts out an unhealthy 117db@ 0.5meters

New Exhausts system planned for the summer !


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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I've seen a list somewhere with the big Wedges at the top of the scale in TVR's loudness history. Bible I think. It does state a guidline only, not gospel. I know I get out of mine after a run and have trouble standing, must do somthing to your inner ear ole's.


Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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I've seen a list somewhere with the big Wedges at the top of the scale in TVR's loudness history. Bible I think. It does state a guidline only, not gospel.

I've seen that list too. But it also says that the sounds depends on the exhaust...


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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There is a rough comparison between a SEAC and a Griff in there somewhere half way down, worth a titter. 15th down.