The car needs longer legs !!!

The car needs longer legs !!!



Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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Hi 460i V8 Developments Wedge (350i) 1984, could do with higher gearing. It flys through the gears, how feasible is it to fit a higher ratio Diff, would it be a straight swop, and how easy is it to fit, and finally what ratio would any one recommend...Thanks in advance


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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There is a longer option that was used on the SEAC but they are expensive (i.e. hard to find). It should just drop in but and this is a big but, I looked at this and came to the conclusion that for power and acceleration, the lower geared i.e. standard one was actually the better to go for.

There is an excel spreadsheet on my website that allows you to play what if games with ratios and so on if you need to pass some time.
As for flying through the gears, I often go straight from 2nd to top on the 520. When the clutch started misbehaving last year (bent release arm) I put into fifth and treated it like an auto...


Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Monday 13th May 2002
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At the moment it will drop to 700rpm in top and pull away like the old 350i engine was in 3rd. Water and wheel spins in 5th even at gental squeezes of the gas are the norm.


3,799 posts

290 months

Tuesday 14th May 2002
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The std 350 diff is a 3.54 (according to handbook) and the 400's were fitted with the 3.33 diff you can also find a 3.08 and a 2.88 ratio as its the same unit used in the Jag XJS. Alternativly fit bigger wheels.



30,628 posts

295 months

Tuesday 14th May 2002
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At the moment it will drop to 700rpm in top and pull away like the old 350i engine was in 3rd. Water and wheel spins in 5th even at gental squeezes of the gas are the norm.

I've got a similar Ray Webb 4.6 with all the ACT mods in the V8S (nice engine, isn't it?) but don't have this problem. Either you've got a lot more power from yours (285 ish?), or you're losing traction somewhere. How hard is your rear suspension?


Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Tuesday 14th May 2002
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The suspension is hard, I think its developing more power, have you fitted the jag flow meter and injectors


Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Tuesday 14th May 2002
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Hi Matt,
Any idea which XJS year and model had the 3.08 etc, and do you konw if its a straight swop...Thanks


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 14th May 2002
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Hi Matt,
Any idea which XJS year and model had the 3.08 etc, and do you konw if its a straight swop...Thanks

This is the problem as I seem to remember that these longer ratio diffs were not available as powerloc versions with LSD and were not very popular as a result. Which means there are very few about. You might be better off getting someone to rebuild the diff with a different gearing.

Also the speedo will need recalibrating. Minor detail.



3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Any idea which XJS year and model had the 3.08 etc, and do you konw if its a straight swop...Thanks

I don't know which year or model exactly but I'd suggest that its probably 84-86ish for the year and the V12, the best thing to do is speak to a jag specialist (Jagcats etc) about getting hold of a high ratio LSD diff 2nd hand. The alternative is as Steve says, to get yours rebuilt with the higher ratio. I had quotes for around 600 quid a while ago which put me off somewhat.


30,628 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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I had quotes for around 600 quid a while ago which put me off somewhat.

Think you should be able to get it done for less than that. Friend of mine had one fully rebuilt for around £250 a couple of years ago.


Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Wednesday 15th May 2002
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Sorted yipeee got a 2.88 power the fun bit, any one changed a diff before..any does or do'nts, also I will be replacing the bolts from the flange to the half shafts is it a case of removing the cover bolts and pulling the flange out, will I need any special tools, or will my Halfords screw driver and rusty spanner do the whole job...cant wait to try it

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Love the subject. Does anyone know if the diff ratio for the 450 SE is the same as the SEACs or different? For instance, Fords have production codes stamped on the pumpkins which give you ratio info. Are there any production codes stamped on the housing to the Wedges, and if so, any publications with code breakdown?




1,165 posts

278 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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The diffs I have seen have a small metal tabe under one of the rear cover bolts with the ratio stamped on. There was also a tab with 'PL' on which I assume means 'power lock'.


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 16th May 2002
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Axle ratio for the 450SE is 3.43:1 giving 28.5mph / 1000 RPM.
Seems to be the same ratio for the 450 SEAC as well.

HOWEVER:- the 420 SEAC had the option of 2 ratios

3.54:1 giving 24.6MPH/1000RPM


3.07:1 giving 28.5MPH/1000RPM

400SE Had the choice of 3 ratios

3.31:1 3.43:1 and 3.54:1 The last two being optional

390SE had 3.54:1 as standard or the 3.07:1 as an option

Clear as Mud !!!!!"

Hope this helps

Nige' and a 450 SE


805 posts

277 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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I'm pleased to see your keeping your TVR (?) after all the work (and money!) you've obviously put in to it.
Good luck with the new diff (that was the only bit you hadn't replaced wasn't it!)
Gareth (with your old wheels)


Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Hi Gareth, Nice to hear from you, do you know I may still sell it, I must be mad but I know it will improve the car no end so I thought I'd do it in case I dont sell. How did you get on with the wheels? For the benefit of any one who is considering coming to see the car what did you think of its condition when you saw it....Happy driving ...Phill


805 posts

277 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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For the benefit of any one interested in this car its well worth looking at (from what I saw I couldn't fault it) and the engine is awesome. If only you had been selling it a couple of months earlier I would have had it.
I'm still restoring mine and its costing me a fortune!!
I havn't, touched the wheels yet, I'm thinking of sending them to Leven for polishing (next pay day for that one! this months budget has gone to TET Mouldings).
I hope you do keep it, theres a lot of effort gone in to yours.
As for happy driving that will be the day, its still in bits!! My girlfreind is getting increasingly miffed about it being spread about the house.
Best wishes,

>> Edited by gf350 on Saturday 18th May 10:35


805 posts

277 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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If you are getting rid of your old diff I would be interested it it for a spare for mine. If so let me know how much you want for it.


Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Hi, I think your slowly buying my car bit by bit..the diff is a 3.54 to 1 its yours for £75....Phill


805 posts

277 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Sold. I have sent you an e-mail.


Hi, I think your slowly buying my car bit by bit..the diff is a 3.54 to 1 its yours for £75....Phill

Now about that engine....