Wedge TLC

Wedge TLC



Original Poster:

625 posts

280 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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Evening gents. I'm looking to buy a 400se and most that I see require a bit of work, some more than others. However I'm after some advice or idea of cost for the following:
New carpets and retrim, oz alloy wheel refurbishment. Was the black stone-chip paint protecting the rear arches standard? The correct position for the 400se logo - sill or front wing or did it depend on the day of the week. Did the rear boot spoiler have a black edge to it despite being colour coded. The cost and availability of the small black curved splitter under the chin spoiler.
Any info form all you experts would be very gratefully recieved and may save pain later.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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Not sure as I found a sorted one (ok engine excepted). Surly there must be some good ones around still? My logo's are on the sill under the door, not saying thats right but thats where they all seem to be.


14,944 posts

281 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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Evening gents. I'm looking to buy a 400se and most that I see require a bit of work, some more than others. However I'm after some advice or idea of cost for the following:
New carpets and retrim, oz alloy wheel refurbishment. Was the black stone-chip paint protecting the rear arches standard? The correct position for the 400se logo - sill or front wing or did it depend on the day of the week. Did the rear boot spoiler have a black edge to it despite being colour coded. The cost and availability of the small black curved splitter under the chin spoiler.
Any info form all you experts would be very gratefully recieved and may save pain later.

Well I looked around a bit before I bought and its a bit of a lottery out there. TVR only built about 240 400SE's and they all appear to be a bit different.
Carpets and retrim? Depends on if you are full or part leather, need all carpets or just footwell (the latter being about £250)
Oz alloy refurbs expensive if done by Oz. I did my own with alot of autosol, some elbow grease and a little silver hammerite for the bolts
Black stone chip paint was standard on wheel arch.
400se logo? I have seen it mid sill, front wing and (on mine) rear end of sill.don't be surprised to see it anywhere on the car!
Boot spoiler was an option. Mine aint got it so can't help here. Dunno about splitter either, but its only fibre glass and I'm sure TVR could provide one if needs be.
Look out for electric problems (lights, hrater fan, wiper etc)
Exhausts take a pounding cos they are so low.
Front suspension is a weak point, especially if its still got original bushes. Easy to repair though (granada Mk 2 bits)
After that its best to check the usual stuff. You know, drive shaft Ujs, clutch, gearbox, propshaft, brake discs (front and rear) engine, steering rack, PAS pump, bodywork crazing, diff,etc etc etc etc
Get a good one though and it will make you laugh like a loon whenever you drive it.
good luck.
Andy 400se


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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Look out for the outriggers. Wedgepages explains under the buyers guide. Depending where you are someone may be able to help?

>> Edited by JMorgan on Friday 10th May 22:20