What oil should i use?

What oil should i use?



Original Poster:

349 posts

287 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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I've never been really sure about the oil grading system, but i do know that the engine in my '88 390SE
was designed donkeys years ago ,and its got 50,000 miles under its belt and i'm very wary of using the very thin Synthetic lubricants (i.e. Mobil one that's used by many Later TVR's) in it. (Also why's the Mobil Motorsport oil thicker than mobil 1?) An original Rover/Buick engine used 15W50,or thereabouts, and i know that the engine hasnt changed that much since . The last owner used an own brand 10w40 semi synthetic from a motor factors that complied with all the relevant oil ratings (SF something or other) and i,m still using the same.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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Mine uses Valvoline 20W/50 raceing oil. But was specified by DJE who rebuilt my engine. Not off the shelf.
He also changed the gearbox oil for something else that is not in the book and is working fine if not better. Forgot to ask what it is but it was £8 a litre.


11,822 posts

295 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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Agreed, Valvoline racing is the stuff to go for. Use it in the race car and the Wedge.


856 posts

293 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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I use Castrol GTX2 in my 450SE. I and the previous owners of the car have had it serviced at Wedge Automotive and this is what Richard Thorpe recommends.
You get better oil pressure with this oil than with a thin synthetic. The car also uses less oil on this.
The main thing no matter which oil you use is to change it every 3000 miles, then you cannot go to wrong.


805 posts

277 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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I can't find the valvoline oil anywhere, what is the viscosity of the castrol?
What does everyone think about using Slick 50, I have it in my every day car and have some to put in the 350 unless told otherwise?


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 10th May 2002
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The valvoline is supplied on the service so to speak by DJE. He gave me a litre or two for top ups inbetween. Told me its not standard off the shelf.