Go faster shiny bits

Go faster shiny bits



Original Poster:

36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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Original Poster:

36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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Well, I did try to post before and after but 2 pics don't seem to want to work. Anyway here's after, you all know what before looks like.
Everyone say "ooooohhhh, new shoes"


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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OOOOOOhhhhhhh, Niiiiice.

Do they make the 400 go faster ?

Must get my 4 year old daughter a paper round so that I can get her to buy some for my 450.



Original Poster:

36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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Definate increase noted especially in the 50-70 in 5th overtaking bit. Its all down to the decrease in drag as air passes under the door sills to emerge giving an assisted jet engine effect that also makes it more stable. But if the plates are not in identical locations either side then its a bit wobbly at 30.


2,869 posts

293 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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Don't worry about the pics Jeff. I got a full review and fitting guide coming soon.

One thing you gotta do first is adjust the door if its too low and remember to tighten the inner door panel fitting screws that run under the door frame, or you will close the door for the first time and ruin the plates.




Original Poster:

36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th May 2002
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They are sneaky to fit. Clean all required first. Offer them up for fit first to get an idea. Then stand them on the edge where that edge has to be and remove backing and lower down and press.
After fitting sticky bits to other transport in the past, wet fingers help a bit but don't get it on the glue.
Also checked all closed OK before fixing proper.