Crunchy Box

Crunchy Box



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3,792 posts

288 months

Monday 2nd April 2001
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Now I know the Rover LT77 Box isn't the best in the world, but does anyone have any reccommendations for oil type? I'm currently runnning 2/3rds ATF and a 1/3rd Engine oil as reccommended by the chaps who rebuilt my box about 4K miles ago. It's got better with use but it's still sometimes reluctant to go into 1st and 3rd is now becoming reluctant. I changed the oil (rebuilt box an all that) about 2K miles ago. I have heard rumour of some wizard zippy oil which made these boxes a lot slicker shifting. Any ideas? Matt


30,572 posts

293 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2001
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Rover Products Internation (RPI) web site at says:
Notchy & Difficult gear change (especially first thing in cold weather) Worn selectors and synchro's caused by excessive contamination in the transmission. or incorrect Oil Type. The LT77 should be used with Castrol SMX or Similar lightweight Transmission Oil's although annoying this problem is normally only during the warm up period of the transmission.
Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
Now I know the Rover LT77 Box isn't the best in the world, but does anyone have any reccommendations for oil type? I'm currently runnning 2/3rds ATF and a 1/3rd Engine oil as reccommended by the chaps who rebuilt my box about 4K miles ago. It's got better with use but it's still sometimes reluctant to go into 1st and 3rd is now becoming reluctant. I changed the oil (rebuilt box an all that) about 2K miles ago. I have heard rumour of some wizard zippy oil which made these boxes a lot slicker shifting. Any ideas? Matt