Scotland's Hidden Gems?

Scotland's Hidden Gems?


Mr Trophy

Original Poster:

6,808 posts

206 months

Sunday 1st September 2013
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Hi All,

This thread might completely fall on it's arse, however, I thought it would be a good idea to perhaps have a thread that we can all "bounce" off either other and share some experiences of restaurants, roads, shops, bars etc.

With tourism growing each year, I think it would be good to have a thread for places or things you have been to in the past but perhaps other PH'er haven't heard of. For example, there is a cafe in Dalkeith, that does the best bacon roll and chips I've ever had! hehe

Hopefully a kind Moderator can sticky this for us and we can share our wee hidden gems with one another!

So, over to you!

Mr Trophy

Original Poster:

6,808 posts

206 months

Sunday 12th October 2014
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Great for a wee walk after if the weather is nice.