How do I pronounce........

How do I pronounce........



Original Poster:

10,381 posts

250 months

Tuesday 27th January 2004
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......the surname "CAUGHIE"? I'm applying for a new job that I REALLY want & therefore don't want to mess things up by getting this woman's name wrong when I phone her. I assume it's a scottish name as they're based in Glasgow (job will be down here in Hampshire tho').

Can one of you helpful lads or lasses provide me with the correct pronunciation? (I can take a guess but it'd be nice to have a definate answer!)

My guesses:





Thanks in advance!


1,627 posts

277 months

Tuesday 27th January 2004
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Haven't a clue!

Names are funny things - Dalziel is dee-ell, Menzies is mingiss, and so on.

You'd really need to find someone who knows a Caughie.
The nearest I can get is haugh (damp low-lying bit of ground usually near a river).

It's pronounced hochhh, just as a loch is pronounced lochhh - not lock!

Koffee (or something near that) is probably your best bet, but as you can see I'm a bit higorant...


140 posts

258 months

Tuesday 27th January 2004
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My guess (and it is a guess) would be three sounds..

KO ( as in co from coffee)
CH a good scottish sound ( as in the scottish loch not lock!)
EE as in EEEE!

KO-CHEE when you run it all together

Hope this helps and good luck with the job


130 posts

247 months

Tuesday 27th January 2004
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Used to know a few McCaughies in my old home town. its pronounced Mc, the easy bit, then kaw, chhhh, the bit the english can never say and then ends ay

Mik-kaw-chh-ay, this is diffcult to do in text you know
Subtract the mik bit and there you have it.



1,840 posts

253 months

Tuesday 27th January 2004
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674 posts

270 months

Tuesday 27th January 2004
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I really hope you can say it properly because when it should be KO-CHEE like was said before you might say KO-CKEE and you're new boss might be offended if you call her cocky


1 posts

246 months

Saturday 31st January 2004
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Hi mate, I'm an ignorant englander myself but live up in N jockland. The missus is indigenous to these parts though so i'll ask her later for you. I swear sometimes she speaks a differant language all together. Oh BTW I work with a menzies and he has a dicky fit when you call him "menzies"!!!!!


11,984 posts

259 months

Wednesday 11th February 2004
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McNab said:
The nearest I can get is haugh (damp low-lying bit of ground usually near a river).

It's pronounced hochhh, just as a loch is pronounced lochhh - not lock!

thats odd - hear in northumberland a haugh is pronounced "half" just like a heugh which is pronounced "hoof" very strange!

Nicholas Blair

4,109 posts

287 months

Wednesday 25th February 2004
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