Twat in grey cavalier on A8000 south - what to do?

Twat in grey cavalier on A8000 south - what to do?



Original Poster:

4,387 posts

288 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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So, what do you do to report downright dangerous drivers? I didn’t/don’t want to call 999 as it’s not exactly an emergency (although it might be for the next poor sod to be run off the road), so is there another number you can report things to the cops through, or an email?

For once I was getting a later flight this morning so I cadged a lift off my son on his way to collage. He’s been driving for a year, and I think best summed up by ‘timid’ (doesn’t take after me then!). He lets folks in at every junction, waves thanks for getting let in, keeps his distance, waits for BIG gaps before pulling out etc. Oh, and drives a bog standard Clio (and abhors any sort of max-power mods), not even a Halford’s air freshener!

So, here we are in a line of traffic just after the SQ roundabout on the A8000 and this grey Cavalier draws up along side on the outside as the lanes merge to 1. With blacked out rear windows, cheap alloys and an under-budget chav look I kind of guessed it would be trouble, and it was. The to$$er just starts to pull in on my son…he’s not in front mind, just alongside and forcing us off the road. My son was, shall we say, concerned. Being a bit more bullish I suggested staying put as there wasn’t a space and matey-boy was just trying to muscle-in. But at the point where we had no where else to go other than kerb the wheels, and the bloke was still pulling in to us (I guess maybe 1” away from contact!!!) my son not surprisingly bottled it.

So far it’s just a case of bullying and ignorant bad driving, and while annoying it’s not unusual and nothing I’d take further. But now we’re moving on the A8000 at maybe 34/40mph and monkey-boy ahead slams on the brakes and we come to a stop. No doubt to ‘teach us a lesson’. I was debating whether to get out and express my displeasure when he drives off. Then once we’re moving he slams on the brakes again. This sort of behaviour is absolutely crazy – especially at a rush hour where everyone is driving close nose-to-tail. Oh, and we get to the roundabout at the South end of the A8000 where there’s cones for the roadworks, and Schuey manages to take a cone out rolleyes. Maybe it was on his racing line.

I cannot abide these morons who hit the brakes for some sort of retribution. It is no better or worse than waving a knife in your direction, or firing off shots; if you are alert and see it coming then you can take avoiding action, but the aim is clearly to put your safety (and possessions) at risk. And given sphincter-boy’s disregard for the wellbeing of his own vehicle it also makes me question his insurance status.

So where do you report these sort of things? Obviously I have his registration number. I don’t expect the cops will actually do anything in terms of taking the matter forward as I guess it’s only both our words against his (I’m kicking myself for not taking a picture of brakemeister with brake lights on and a clear road ahead), but it would be nice just to have this sort of behaviour recorded so than when he inevitably does cause a prang he can’t do the ‘totally out of character mi’lud’ defence.


Nicholas Blair

4,109 posts

290 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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I have great sympathy with you Willie, I usually call the local station and give them the reg -gets it off my chest - whether or not anything happens or not - no idea.

Had a few of them last week pulling their stunts. A real t***t in a 3 series souped to the max overtakes me at A1 services going up the hill past the entrance as a car is coming down.



8,473 posts

258 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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I'm not sure that reporting it makes a lot of difference - unless matey-boy is already "known" to the police and they might have a word.

This kind of crap happens all the time and the best thing to do is to ignore it - it's not easy but it's just not worth it.

Console yourself with the fact that one day they will pick on the wrong person, and either get the booting of their lives, or get nicked - years ago as part of my work I used to visit schools and things with the local road safety sergeant - he was also a police class 1, Tulliallan instructor, and IAM and RoSPA examiner - he woult turn up in full uniform in unmarked car - he used to let me drive him about sometimes in my own car, which was fun...

anyway on two separate occasions (once when he was driving, once when it was me) we were picked on by a clown like the one you met - their leering coupons changed expression pretty quickly when he got out of the car and put the peaked hat on... He also paid a nice home visit to nick a guy who came from 4 cars back to go through a red at temporary lights at road works, ages after they had changed...

What goes around comes around - best thing is to MYOB and keep out of the tt's way. Note to self... read above again...


2,375 posts

225 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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A Suped up Civic nearly piled into the back of our Zonda last Tuesday.The driver passed him on the A701, he didn't like it, gave chase (think about it....), and narrowly missed it when he came over the brow of a hill and found the Zonda nearly stationary turning left.A heart stopping moment. Imagine being a Civic driver and thinking - "Hmm, I think I'll race the Pagani that's just passed....."


846 posts

266 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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I wish I knew what to do. I try to ignore it. Had someone do a very similar stunt to me in the Ultima the other weekend (note to self: avoid driving on Sunday afternoons or evenings) in a builders van. Had folk do it to my in my daily driver in big 4x4s, small 4x4s, small super minis, rep mobiles, big executive saloons, you name it they're out there and they're out to get you.

However, my day job is building networked CCTV I'm slowly getting my own back at the lawless censored.


1,653 posts

243 months

Thursday 28th September 2006
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The Sagaris has a nutter magnet which I haven't managed to find yet.
It has a particularly strong draw to Saxo's and similar small irritating "kick cars", usually with two occupants the sum of whose age doesn't even come close to mine. Much like a yapping terrier hanging on to your ankle.

An AVIC BT satnav with rear view camera was installed the other day, must check if I can take snapshots on it.

Must also remember to install that rear grenade launch system. Or chaff. ....


603 posts

218 months

Thursday 28th September 2006
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..or should that be CHAV launch system!!

That poor joke aside. I am only 2 months in to Griff ownership and the IAS (Idiot attraction system) is always on. I work not a stones throw from Aberdeen College's Car Apprenticeship base...

No end of fun can be had Escort/Astra/Civic/Saxo based missiles with drivers thinking they can drive like Fangio... Irritating and dangerous.mad

You have my experienced empathy!


1,653 posts

243 months

Thursday 28th September 2006
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Need a TVR decoy and a half-track missile launcher.

Could have a go after dropping the kids off to hockey next Saturday?

On the way to Le Mans this year there was a Lambo with small Ferrari prancing donkeys on the door with crosses through them, AKA "kills"!! Hmmm.


603 posts

218 months

Thursday 28th September 2006
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son of a vette

405 posts

221 months

Thursday 28th September 2006
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northo said:
A Suped up Civic nearly piled into the back of our Zonda last Tuesday.The driver passed him on the A701, he didn't like it, gave chase (think about it....), and narrowly missed it when he came over the brow of a hill and found the Zonda nearly stationary turning left.A heart stopping moment. Imagine being a Civic driver and thinking - "Hmm, I think I'll race the Pagani that's just passed....."

What is up with these guys?? Just about every time I have been out in the Vette some sort of 1.1 nova, clio, escort with a large exhaust (which obviously ups their power by 300hp) seems to decide to take me on, I can't quite get what runs through the drivers head, do they think they might win if I were to open the throttle?

The worst one I saw, was when following my Dad (in the Vette) home from the nationals, we had just passed the border on the A1, and my Dad pulled out and passed a red Golf GTI with a few lads in it, they didn't like, and proceeded to re-pass by going round the outside of two blind bends. Not to worried about them (Darwinism etc ) but what about the poor folk who could have been coming the other way, and what about the Vette!! eek

It's another cause for concern you don't need when driving.


391 posts

290 months

Thursday 28th September 2006
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Willie, take the truck next time and drive over the %wat


2,189 posts

238 months

Sunday 1st October 2006
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Back to the original question - what about Crimestoppers 0800 numbers as advertised on polis vans and other places?


693 posts

232 months

Friday 6th October 2006
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15,426 posts

220 months

Friday 6th October 2006
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My little sister was driving home in her Vectra last Sunday, and an idiot in a bright Yellow old Toledo came round a corner on a B road way too fast approx 80mph and although she tried to avoid him by taking too the verge she couldn't do anything and hit her Vextra broadside at the front. Thankfully, she and her husband are OK and the acr is written off. And you guessed it the thug wasn't insured and she now has no car until the insurance go through their process of offers. She can't get a hired car because she can#t claim the expenses back from the other driver because he won't be able to pay.

The poloce will probably endorse his license that he doesn't give a damn about and give him a slap on the wrist, before going back to stop drivers for speeding just over the limit on a clear motorway

He could quite easily have killed someone. I regularly ride the roa in question on my bike when i visit her. It could quite easily have been me.

I hope I don't meet meet this guy anyday soon, or it may be his last.


1,682 posts

228 months

Monday 9th October 2006
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I was heading south over the bridge, when this new R32 filled my rear view mirror.It was around lunch time on Saturday the traffic was flowing well but not congested.
I pulled over to let it pass, driving it was a small boy/girl in a baseball cap. and attached to it's bumper was a Renault 19 cabriolet with big wheels and an even bigger exhaust with an other little boy behind the wheel.
They continued to badger all other traffic out of their way and disapeared down the A8000.
Being a quattro fan, I have a soft spot for all thing that come out of the VAG stable. I think it's a shame that this R32 will have a very short life. I just hope when the inevatable happens, they don't take anyone else with then.


20,405 posts

263 months

Monday 9th October 2006
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rpa.janwell said:

Must also remember to install that rear grenade launch system. Or chaff. ....

Must admit I now and then find myself contemplating whether some of the 'refinements' found in the 007 900 Turbo (built in the early '80 as a promo vehicle for the new series of JB books) would be an easy enough retrofit to mine... evil


1,653 posts

243 months

Monday 9th October 2006
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900T-R said:
rpa.janwell said:

Must also remember to install that rear grenade launch system. Or chaff. ....

Must admit I now and then find myself contemplating whether some of the 'refinements' found in the 007 900 Turbo (built in the early '80 as a promo vehicle for the new series of JB books) would be an easy enough retrofit to mine... evil

Would be fun....


591 posts

257 months

Monday 9th October 2006
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Definitely give the cops a call - I'd suggest you find out where the local traffic department is based and phone them directly.

I had something verrry similar 3/4 years ago on the M9 and reported the guy to the Traffic dept - I knew where he worked as he came off the same exit as me, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a traffic car sitting on the roundabout at the Mway exit a few days later. I wondered if it might have been a coincidence until I saw them there the day after - except this time they were parked behind the guy who had tried to run me off the road.

Good guys 1 Motorway Tosser 0 clap


49 posts

217 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2007
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I know this is ages late...but on original question..Its dependant on if you want to go to court about it (or possibly go to court) or not.

If you think what the tt has done is sufficiently bad enough ( I certianly would have) you should call the cops and tell them you wish to make a complaint. Because of new standards if "you percieve a crime to have been commited" they have to come out and take a formal report.

In your case you have two witnesses ie you and your son.

If both of you give statments to the plod along with details of the car etc ie reg mark make model etc...they are required to make enquiries and "IF" they can trace the driver (sorry Twat) the car is registered , not on a SORN , Nicked etc etc they charge him/her. (dangerous driving or careless driving etc)

Once charged it gets reported to Procurator fiscal who decides if it merits taking to court or sending out a fixed penalty etc etc.

If it goes to court chav (Twat) boy get issued with paperwork and has opton to plead guilty or not guilty before being at court (assuming he can read). If he pleads Guilty before attending at dont have to go...

If he pleads not guilty through the paperwork a trial gets scheduled..

But even that shouldnt put you off..cause nearly all the time you attend at court, you get sent home without having to do anything because the chav pleads guilty on the day (they plead Not guilty to the paperwork so that they can hang on to their licence a little case they get banned etc)

Most of these tts get away with this sort of stuff cause they most often pick on a vehicle that he only one if a complaint is made its their word against the other driver.......

So moral of story is ..if there are two of you and your pissed off enough about it or you think it is dangerous (even if its not you that is put at risk) report it and give statements....its the only way anything will get done about it...if you say to cops you want the "driver warned" ..well your just wasting your time and theirs with that one...cause do you think chav boy will take any notice of a "stern talking to"...not bloody likely!!

If you are on your own I was goingto say if you have a Camera Phone that does VIDs....Only if you are stationary or near..for obvious driver safety things etc....but just remembered its maybe that wouldnt work..but maybe worth a try to help back up your claiim that they were driving like a tt.



961 posts

231 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2007
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Well sorry nut in my book the sort of people who do this need to be shot. Dead. And the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross dog the have in the front seats too.

And the the offending car could be crushed, and the roadways left to us better people to use.

It would most likely cut down on the amount of house break ins, and minor assaults in the area too.

Have I just made a sweeping generalisation, possibly offending hundreds of people in the process?


With my reputation?