Yorks / Manc tour
Many thanks to Simon for organising the the run today .
Was a fantastic turn out , the weather stayed dry , and great to meet so many people . Sorry we had to leave early but slightly important football match to see !!
We had our steam driven camera today , so will scan pics in when developed .
Thanks again to all concerned
Was a fantastic turn out , the weather stayed dry , and great to meet so many people . Sorry we had to leave early but slightly important football match to see !!
We had our steam driven camera today , so will scan pics in when developed .
Thanks again to all concerned
Thoroughly enjoyed myself today! Nice to meet you all (again)
Big thanks to you chaps who organinsed it all (you looked a bit shocked when so many turned up at the Ladybower! )
Thanks to Mrs Wacky for her company and for not screaming in fear while I was driving. And thanks to the farmer who built that farm track that Judas used as an emergency escape route!
See you all again soon!
Big thanks to you chaps who organinsed it all (you looked a bit shocked when so many turned up at the Ladybower! )
Thanks to Mrs Wacky for her company and for not screaming in fear while I was driving. And thanks to the farmer who built that farm track that Judas used as an emergency escape route!
See you all again soon!
Here is a direct link to the two pics....
Grr, wish I knew someone in I.T!
Grr, wish I knew someone in I.T!
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