Grey Noble - Near the park - Ash M400??

Grey Noble - Near the park - Ash M400??



Original Poster:

5,037 posts

280 months

Sunday 1st April 2007
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Was that you boy-racing up and down my street in your Noble. It had what looked like like the white PH 'Toxicated' stickers on the front but I was just heading into my driveway when I saw it???

Ash M400

3,836 posts

248 months

Monday 2nd April 2007
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That would be me.

Boy Racer. Moi?

My mother lives not far, so made several trips in the area.


Original Poster:

5,037 posts

280 months

Monday 2nd April 2007
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Sounded good....

If I see you again I'll say hello.

I was in the black ZM Coupe pulling in as you stopped on the hill.

Ash M400

3,836 posts

248 months

Monday 2nd April 2007
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Yes, say hello, maybe we could have a swift one at the Whitehouse, lemonade only for me.