Sunday 1st - Run out

Sunday 1st - Run out



Original Poster:

6,268 posts

262 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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nubbin said:
Jo/Adam - where is that photo you promised me?



16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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er... I think the one where we were all stationary waiting for the... er... sheep, yes, that's right, sheep to cross, would be ok to post... as long as everyone understands that we were waiting for the sheep at the time

TT Paul

938 posts

250 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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burriana500 said:
What a FAAAANTASTIC run out

Thank you to Dr Bert, Nubbin, Ed, Chim Girl and anyone else who helped with the organisation.

Thank you to Judas for showing me just how well a Tuscan does handle under severe braking and blind panic (seriously, a normal car would have never made it)

Thank you to Nubbin for treating me to the sound of a that glorious engine for an hour of fairly spirited driving up hill and down dale (wave your arms in the air like you jus don't care )

And thank you to the lot of you for the aching cheek muscles from the massive grin that I just could not get off my face.

Great weather, great scenery great sound track.


>> Edited by burriana500 on Monday 2nd February 13:29

Al , what happened next to the speed camera, loads of smoke , Umm the smell of rubber


16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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TT Paul said:

Al , what happened next to the speed camera, loads of smoke , Umm the smell of rubber

Nothing to do with me mate... usually, when you see a normal 24 year old bloke stick his boot down in a Cerbera you kinda assume it's ok to hoof it and overtake after him... YOU DO NOT EXPECT SAID PERSON TO BRAKE MID-OVERTAKE

Didn't have the opportunity to look (too busy inspecting Jame's rear light cluster) but I'd hazard a guess that the face on the poor guy we were overtaking was a picture!

Anyway, s'all Adamski's fault, we were just trying to keep up with him as we didn't know the way...


204 posts

280 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Hello All
Just like to say that steph and me had a great time yesterday. Loved every minute + meeting lots of new people. Highlight of the day, and I hope Al, you didn't get caught, but looking in my wing mirror to see Al overtaking some shopping trolley while locking every wheel trying to slow for a speed camera. Can't wait for the next one!


16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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How the hell could you see me, all I could see out of my windscreen was a very VERY large Cerbera boot

Oh, and about that job... and I think I speak for all us boys...


204 posts

280 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Yes the job, well i think i'm more excited waiting to start than i was waiting to pick up the tuscan, should help me to keep the tuscan for longer hopefully 3 years at least, my financial advisor wants to move house. Oh i do hope i love her.


6,316 posts

259 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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burriana500 said:

I seem to recall a Cerbera flatspotting its tyres a while ago in Leeds..

So, where was this speed camera? I thought I'd arranged a route devoid of such things..

Apart from the 3 on the way into Sheffield and one on the way out..

Anyone notice what speed I went through them at BTW? I'm just wondering about a speedo calibration.. Meant to ask on the day..

Since we all had a cracking day, I've a few ideas for a route closer to Bakewell area for later in the summer. Only fair to let West Yorks organise the next one as North and South have done one each now. Or, we could go a little bit further West and visit the other side of the Pennines..


Original Poster:

6,268 posts

262 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Psychobert said:

So, where was this speed camera? I thought I'd arranged a route devoid of such things..

Anyone notice what speed I went through them at BTW? I'm just wondering about a speedo calibration.. Meant to ask on the day..

When I followed you past the camera's on the way to Ladybower you were passing through the 40 limit at about 34-36 mph. Due to the absence of a functional speedo we were using my GPS sat nav thingy. I've tried it in a couple of cars and it has proved very accurate. If you want to borrow it on the next run give me a shout.


454 posts

255 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Another great run out. I hope we can stay longer next time.


Original Poster:

6,268 posts

262 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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MrsS said:
Another great run out. I hope we can stay longer next time.

Wouldn't be nearly so much fun in a Merc


454 posts

255 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Probably true Jo.


6,316 posts

259 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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chim_girl said:

When I followed you past the camera's on the way to Ladybower you were passing through the 40 limit at about 34-36 mph. Due to the absence of a functional speedo we were using my GPS sat nav thingy. I've tried it in a couple of cars and it has proved very accurate. If you want to borrow it on the next run give me a shout.

Thanks.. Thought it might have been reading a little low; 12K miles since I bought the car seems like rather a lot.. Especially as most of last summer it was sat in a garage sans windscreen..

Might take you up on the offer of the gizmo. (Apart from anything else, I can get lost on straight roads so all the help I can get I need..)


2,686 posts

253 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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gr4eme said:
Yes the job, well i think i'm more excited waiting to start than i was waiting to pick up the tuscan, should help me to keep the tuscan for longer hopefully 3 years at least, my financial advisor wants to move house. Oh i do hope i love her.

Was nice to meet you and your lady, very nice Tuscan you have there. Do tell about the job, I'm all in suspence now!!


1,798 posts

256 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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MOD500 said:

gr4eme said:
Yes the job, well i think i'm more excited waiting to start than i was waiting to pick up the tuscan, should help me to keep the tuscan for longer hopefully 3 years at least, my financial advisor wants to move house. Oh i do hope i love her.

Was nice to meet you and your lady, very nice Tuscan you have there. Do tell about the job, I'm all in suspence now!!

Clue lots of young girls.....


16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Cooo-eee ... oh Siiiir ......OOOOHH nice car Sir, do you want it Sir... do you really want it... OOOOHH!


6,177 posts

253 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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burriana500 said:

TT Paul said:

Al , what happened next to the speed camera, loads of smoke , Umm the smell of rubber

Nothing to do with me mate... usually, when you see a normal 24 year old bloke stick his boot down in a Cerbera you kinda assume it's ok to hoof it and overtake after him... YOU DO NOT EXPECT SAID PERSON TO BRAKE MID-OVERTAKE

I didn't expect to pull out from behind a car, boot it from 30 - 70 in 2nd, then spot a speed camera staring straight down the road at me! Knew we'd passed a couple of those nasty Truvelo head-on cameras and, as much as I like photos of TVR convoys, I didn't fancy one of THOSE photos taking. Anyway, at least I didn't lock the wheels this time!


1,409 posts

260 months

Monday 2nd February 2004
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Sounds like a good run - sorry I missed it.

Full marks to the children of God's country however - outposting all other regions of Ted's globe - 180 - 175 on the South Coast at last count .


204 posts

280 months

Tuesday 3rd February 2004
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For those of you that didn't hear or were not present, I’m taking on the job of IT manager at an all girls (public) school in Leeds. Now to be honest its a big step up for me only last year i was a computer technician (a little below me-but the market was dire), everyone i tell either laughs or doesn't say a word because their mouth has gone dry, and hit the floor.
+ Taking the Tuscan everyday, Its a tough job but someone's got to do it.
Thanks for the comment on the Tuscan its always nice to hear +ve comments from fellow pistonheaders


2,686 posts

253 months

Tuesday 3rd February 2004
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gr4eme said:

For those of you that didn't hear or were not present, I’m taking on the job of IT manager at an all girls (public) school in Leeds. Now to be honest its a big step up for me only last year i was a computer technician (a little below me-but the market was dire), everyone i tell either laughs or doesn't say a word because their mouth has gone dry, and hit the floor.
+ Taking the Tuscan everyday, Its a tough job but someone's got to do it.
Thanks for the comment on the Tuscan its always nice to hear +ve comments from fellow pistonheaders

Nice job. Your lady might be slipping bromine into your flask while you are'nt looking, to keep you under control