Sports & Classic Car Night - Jenny Wren Inn !!

Sports & Classic Car Night - Jenny Wren Inn !!



Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Monday 11th July 2005
quotequote all
hobo said:

kenyon said:
Tuesday (14th of July)


Thanks I mean this Tuesday 12th July... I was looking at last months date...

Can you come along.... on Tuesday 12th ??

>> Edited by kenyon on Monday 11th July 11:16


63 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th July 2005
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Hi Justin

I'll be there...........I'll have to use the old trusted map as the last time I came I had the luxury of following a SL500 with in-car nav.

If I say 7.30pm then It'll no doubt be 8.30pm!!!!

steve f

619 posts

237 months

Tuesday 12th July 2005
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think we should all club together and buy justin a diary as these dates got mixed up last month also


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th July 2005
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steve f said:
think we should all club together and buy justin a diary as these dates got mixed up last month also


Thanks for the offer, but I am sorted now ????

Evenings are 2nd Tuesday of each Month starting from 1830 hrs on wards...

Tuesday 12th July
Tuesday 09th August
Tuesday 13th September
Tuesday 11th October
Tuesday 8th November
Tuesday 13th December.
Tuesday 10th Januray 2006


36 posts

234 months

Tuesday 12th July 2005
quotequote all
Good to meet everyone tonight

Some of the pics I took here:-

If anyone isn't happy about the pics let me know....


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Wednesday 13th July 2005
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Nice photos....

See you next at the next event.

Thanks all for coming once again...


63 posts

241 months

Wednesday 13th July 2005
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I like the photos.

I'm letting the side down with the exhausts I think. You guys are v.loud........I think I here a Capristo in the distance..............

Good night.


1,230 posts

285 months

Wednesday 13th July 2005
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Like the pic’s Tim love the avatar (anyone you know ?) and thanks for that noisy pin sharp ride.




36 posts

234 months

Wednesday 13th July 2005
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simon.b said:
Like the pic’s Tim love the avatar (anyone you know ?) and thanks for that noisy pin sharp ride.



She's an F1 pit bird.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Guys, I hope you can along come along next Tuesday 9th August.

Simonspider please bring the murci....


36 posts

234 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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I'll be coming again.


16,556 posts

257 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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My car will be about 2000 miles south next week I'm (not) afraid!


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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burriana said:
My car will be about 2000 miles south next week I'm (not) afraid!

AL I wish I was were you are. Well you must come along one day please.

Hows does the F348 look like parked up on the beach then.!!!!


16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 5th August 2005
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kenyon said:

Hows does the F348 look like parked up on the beach then.!!!!

I'll let you know on Monday


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Monday 8th August 2005
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Can anyone esle come. More the better. Please attend...


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Monday 8th August 2005
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Thanks for time to bring the merci Lambo and F355 GTS. See you guys on Tuesday evening.Cannot wait !!!

>> Edited by kenyon on Monday 8th August 14:07


36 posts

234 months

Wednesday 10th August 2005
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Some pics from last night here guys...


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Thursday 11th August 2005
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Thanks for posting the photos... Put them on Ferrarichat as well. see you next time... The more the merry...


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2005
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The next event will be Tuesday 13th of September. All are welcome.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Thursday 8th September 2005
quotequote all
If anyone can make it. It would be great.
Tuesday 13th Sept at 1830 hrs onwards.

>> Edited by kenyon on Thursday 8th September 11:50