1st Feb - Yorks/North West Blatt

1st Feb - Yorks/North West Blatt



19,926 posts

269 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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chim_girl said:

lazyitus said:
proper 'rock' night type of place.

Clearly you forgot the he's going to see a Duran Duran tribute band.


Original Poster:

6,268 posts

262 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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I've just been contacted offline by the

The Eastern Block Supercar will be crime fighting elsewhere.

Alistair H.

1,173 posts

274 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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tonto said:

Alistair H. said:

tonto said:
Sorry, can't make it.

Got a major and very serious excuse tho.....

I'm going to Crewe that weekend, to see a Duran Duran tribute Band

(It was arranged a while ago. More than my life's worth to cancel now).

(Please feel free to take the p*ss Chimgirl.)

Nice one. I am going to see the real mackoy in April.

Where abouts ? (thought they had split up).

MEN ARENA - original line up.

Wacky Racer

38,494 posts

250 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Mrs Fish said:

Nubbin said:
Snake Inn - went there last Sunday - food was basic and the place itself is dingy - Castleton sounds better, or how about ending up in Bakewell with all the bikers? (Is it Bakewell or Matlock, I can't remember the town, just 10,000 bikes all over the place!!)

It's Matlock Bath where the bikers go, but there will be no parking for a load of TVR's the place gets rammed on weekends and it isn't very big. But then again if the weather isn't too hot it won't be as busy.

Note it's Matlock BATH where all the bikers go, NOT Matlock which is two miles away, great destination, BUT even on Sundays in Winter it is pretty busy with bikers, parking is non existant on the main street, except in the car parks a little out of town.....

Great place though........

How about Skipton, Settle, Glossop or Castleton????

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Isn't that what I said?


6,321 posts

255 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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burriana500 said:

jessica said:
I'll try me best depends on how wrecked I feel after my birthday party.Something tells me it's going to be an all nighter.

er Jess... I thought your party was on the Friday??? unless it's changed again

yes it is on the friday Al.but i will be giving it large........ it's not everyday you become 29!!!!!!


6,321 posts

255 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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chim450 said:

jessica said:
I'll try me best depends on how wrecked I feel after my birthday party.Something tells me it's going to be an all nighter.

No excuse Jess, I am having my Birthday party the night before.
I think it will go something like this:

o.k u win i'll be there but i'm younger OK.....and

Have a good party Neil fellow Aquarian.


90,809 posts

258 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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When the Sheffield mob going up Winnats.........

Meets the Manchester mob going down Winnats.........

The are going to die laughing.........

Wacky Racer

38,494 posts

250 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Mrs Fish said:
Isn't that what I said?

I know, but I was just emphasising the point.....

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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OK, I forgive you


913 posts

263 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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Count me in. Where and when exactly?


6,316 posts

259 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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Almost final call for ideas for where to stop for lunch.. Have a route vaguely planned in my head, taking in one or two interesting areas of countryside. I think both Leeds and Manchester people will have about 45 minutes to an hours drive to get to the meet, I'd have said more for the Leeds group, but I know how you drive then I'm thinking of about the same again before we stop.

Anyone know this area well and and feel like suggesting a route/place to eat, speak up else I'll test it out one night this week and send directions to the meeting point to people organising the other start points.


6,032 posts

261 months

Sunday 25th January 2004
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If i don't have to go working away i'm up for it .Only problem is i won't know till friday .


386 posts

260 months

Sunday 25th January 2004
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Ill be up for it if Im not away on business. Im coming from Chester so what sort of time would you plan on meeting up. Bearing in mind Ive already got 2 SP30's and have to drive like an old man

Wacky Racer

38,494 posts

250 months

Sunday 25th January 2004
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I'm up for it too (weather pemitting), should be good to meet up with fellow PHers.....


65 posts

251 months

Sunday 25th January 2004
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I'm up for it, altho im working nights that weekend so depending on where and what time you are all meeting, i could get up early for a quick blast before work again.

If someone could e-mail me details of route, times etc would be much appreciated. Ta


walking hormone

507 posts

253 months

Monday 26th January 2004
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Looks like it fits perfectly into my plans.....can't say what car I'll be in...it may be japanese and screaming its t*ts off to keep up with the TVRs or it may be a tvr (I can't say what sort yet - Agger get your skates on)

see you all there

ps I will of course be accompanied by my delightful co-driver

walking hormone

507 posts

253 months

Monday 26th January 2004
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bugger - just remembered watching ice hockey in basinstoke on Saturday night. So will have to miss out.

pps thinks it is possibly too far to drive on a fresh hangover.


1,798 posts

256 months

Monday 26th January 2004
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Just seen this definately can make sunday,where are the sth yorks meeting.........


Original Poster:

6,268 posts

262 months

Monday 26th January 2004
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rods said:
Just seen this definately can make sunday,where are the sth yorks meeting.........

Pyschobert is working it out at the moment, he's going to post/email something later this week.

PS: Ted has set up a Yorkshire regional forum.