Sports & Classic Car Night - Jenny Wren Inn !!

Sports & Classic Car Night - Jenny Wren Inn !!



Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 12th July 2011
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The load CS will be there!!smile


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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Great night and loads of cars, good turn out many thanks to all.biggrin
Next evening event on Tuesday 09th August.biggrin


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 9th August 2011
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Will be there in the CS with new rubberbiggrin


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 2nd September 2011
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Next meet 13th Sept at 1830 hrs


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 8th October 2011
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Next meet 11th Oct at 1830 hrsbiggrin


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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The meets will start second Tuesday of each month, starting in March, which will be Tuesday 13th March.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 11th February 2012
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Graeme that is great!


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 17th March 2012
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The next meet is on Tuesday 10th April 1830 hrs onwards.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 7th April 2012
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No cannot make it as i am out with my daughter. Also the CS is in for a full service ready for the 27th April charity trackday at Blyton Park. Will be at the Jenny Wren Inn car too, although not in the CS. See you Tuesday then.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 2nd June 2012
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Yes mate it on Tuesday 12th June @ 1830 hrs. See you then hopefully.biggrin


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Sunday 5th August 2012
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Next meet is Tuesday 14th August biggrin


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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The sunday venue will run from Nov to Feb inclusive and then from March to Oct it will be the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting at 1830 hrs.

The Classic & Sports Car Show
2nd Sunday of Every Month (Nov - Feb inc)


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Sunday 30th December 2012
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1430 hrs


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 8th March 2013
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Jenny Wren Inn Car Night starts again from 1830 hrs onwards from Tuesday 12th march, and then every 2nd Tuesday of each month thereafterwards.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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JW carnight tonight at 1830 hrs onwards.biggrin


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Tuesday 9th July 2013
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Jenny Wren Inn car night tonight from 1830 hrs


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 7th March 2014
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Yes the first one starts this Tuesday 11/03 at 1830hrs and every second Tuesday of each month.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Friday 7th March 2014
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Yes the first one starts this Tuesday 11/03 at 1830hrs and every second Tuesday of each month.


Original Poster:

1,269 posts

260 months

Saturday 14th March 2015
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Will come down in the Scuderia !!