East Yorks pub meet - 1st Thursday of the month

East Yorks pub meet - 1st Thursday of the month



Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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B@man said:
have you a link for the Wii-mote accelerometer thinggy?
YHM smile


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Thursday 8th January 2009
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Well, I hope you all enjoyed your festive break with all of the ritual turkey and stuffing washed down with plenty of plonk!

Not sure what the turn out will be for this month's meet but we'll give it a go as always. smile

I was thinking around March/April time for the first run out if that would be okay for people?



Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Thursday 8th January 2009
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Next meet - MONDAY 19th January - 7.00pm onwards - Triton Inn at Brantingham (Sth Cave turn off)

Postcode HU15 1QE

As usual, copy (including the bold bit), add your name to the list and re-paste:

quattroTom - Tom - Toyota MR2 Mk1


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Friday 9th January 2009
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burriana said:
Guess what irked

I'm in bloody China again! I now have all the dates on the wall chart and I can def do Feb and April as they are just before trips.
Someone has to draw the short straw and live the jet-set lifestyle Al. hehe

See you next month then, if not before.


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Next meet - MONDAY 16th February - 7.00pm onwards - Triton Inn at Brantingham (Sth Cave turn off)

Postcode HU15 1QE

As usual, copy (including the bold bit), add your name to the list and re-paste:

burriana - al - Ferrari 348
matmoxon - Matt - Focus ST
Noony GTO - Kev - Mistibushi GTO
jon-turbo - Jon - 125i
quattroTom - Tom - MR2 Mk1a


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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jon-turbo said:
Is this an open meet for anyone/any car in the area?
I live in Brough, so its just round the corner.
Would be good to get together with local Pistonheads.
As Al said, all are welcome! biggrin

I've added you to the list, hope you dont mind.

Some new faces this month, should hopefully be a bit of daylight left too!


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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burriana said:
quattroTom said:
should hopefully be a bit of daylight left too!
Only if your watch is very fast ... sunset is at 5.23pm smile
Pah, who needs the sun! I'll just huddle under one of the lamps in the car park and pretend. tongue out


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 16th February 2009
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Twas a nice meet tonight, although I was knackered from a lengthy session on the ale yesterday. So, sorry if I wasn't very chatty. hehe

Good to catch up with a few people and nice to meet a new attendee in Kev. That engine bay was gleaming. thumbup

Roll on the summer and light evenings. biggrin


PS: Stu, YHM


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Friday 27th February 2009
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Next meet - MONDAY 16th March - 7.00pm onwards - Triton Inn at Brantingham (Sth Cave turn off)

Postcode HU15 1QE

As usual, copy (including the bold bit), add your name to the list and re-paste:

quattroTom - Tom - MR2 Mk1a


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 2nd March 2009
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Hi Rich,

I think I'd speak for everyone if I said that you're all more than welcome!

A nice selection of cars on the list too! thumbup

See you in a few weeks.



Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 2nd March 2009
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Next meet - MONDAY 16th March - 7.00pm onwards - Triton Inn at Brantingham (Sth Cave turn off)

Postcode HU15 1QE

As usual, copy (including the bold bit), add your name to the list and re-paste:

quattroTom - Tom - MR2 Mk1a
matmoxon - Matt - Focus ST
Noony GTO - kev - Mitsi GTO and the missus
burriana - al - Ferrari 348
wiz 1 + marcia 1 - TVR S3
blueyonder - 993 C4
Rich - BMW E46 330
James - BMW E46 M3
Dave - Focus RS
Sam - Astra Coupe 888
Dave - Celica T Sport
Neil - 964 carrera 4 ??


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 2nd March 2009
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StuB said:
wiz 1 said:
Will be nice to see the new car Ron
Lovely colour in the metal and great noise from the Techart pipes yes
Will you be joining us this month Stu? It was good catching up last time.

PS: I'm also looking forward to seeing the new motor Ron. smile


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Calling Al! shout

Found this and thought of you:


You could put the heart of a Lambo into something that would fit through your garage door. hehe


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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blueyonder said:
Is the car park lit up?
There are normally a few of the street lamp style lights working. It's not pitch black though, easily enough light to inspect cars. yes

I've just been out for a run to make sure the fresh oil I just put in is well worked around the engine. driving

See you all tonight!



Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Simon.b said:
I'll bring her along in April.



Looks lovely mate, look forward to seeing it!


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Noony GTO said:
AL...Ease said:
Noony GTO said:
it'll be about weeks.biggrin
Gotta love precise estimations!
banghead sorry fella. missed the 2 out. drunk
looks like i owe you a beer for spotting the mistake. thumbup
Damn, I never realised proof reading paid so well. biggrin


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Into April already. cool

Next meet - MONDAY 20th April - 7.00pm onwards - Triton Inn at Brantingham (Sth Cave turn off)

Postcode HU15 1QE

As usual, quote (including the bold bit), add your name to the list and re-post:

quattroTom - Tom - MR2 Mk1a


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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burriana said:
You'll be telling me you've all got semis next!
Space for a little red one? hehe


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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burriana said:
Where do you live Tom? I thought you were further East.
Yeah, I live in Beverley but it's only a bit further and would make a nice change to driving over the same roads that I have done the hundreds of times I've travelled to Sheffield as I do to normally get to the meet.

Plus I'll have just got my final ever student loan payment, so a nice full tank of petrol is the first thing on the list. biggrin


Original Poster:

686 posts

221 months

Monday 20th April 2009
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blueyonder said:
Looks like it's going to be a cracking evening weatherwise! cool

It's days like this that I miss being able to take the roof off in the Tiv! frown
Yup, looking like a good one!


Sacrilege though really. hehe