Romper - Sunday 09/05/04 @ 1230

Romper - Sunday 09/05/04 @ 1230



Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Hi All

The next Romper meet will be going ahead on the second Sunday of the month (as is intended to be the norm) - i.e. Sunday 9th May - at 1230.

We had a great turnout last time but in retrospect I should have planned some kind of drive for us so that we got to listen to and see the cars in motion. Therefore, I'm thinking that it might be worth us meeting somewhere else at 1230 and actually driving to The Romper in convoy, or alternatively going from The Romper to another location in convoy.

We have a couple of weeks to organise this so suggestions would be very welcome.



The current attendance list is*:

jim meehan
Cheeky LMC
li' pugs
Mini Pugs


Missing Out

How to find The Romper
Take the M56 to Junction 6 (one stop from the Airport) and join the A537 heading towards Wilmslow. Just over 100 yards on the left is The Romper, accessed by a small lane with a small church on the right of The Romper.

*Ccorrect at latest editing time shown in post.

You attend the meet at your own risk and cost. The venue or the organizer can not be held responsible for any losses or damage incurred whilst engaging in travel related to the meet, including but not restricted to travel to and from the meet and during the meet itself, or whilst involved in other activities relating tot he meet. By attending the meet you accept the terms of this statement and indemnify the Organizer and the venue of any legal responsibility.

>>> Edited by roadsweeper on Wednesday 28th April 20:50


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Ding said:
I would just like to point out that

the next Romper meet is tomorrow (Wednesday)around 7pm, to prove to Lemmonie that we also have a good time 'oooopppp here in the North'.

Ps Jess answer your phone!!!!!!


That's all well and good (I have actually posted on that thread) but are you coming on the 9th?!


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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crazylegs said:

roadsweeper said:
You attend the meet at your own risk and cost...

As there was no disclaimer for the last meet I assume you accept all responsibility for, um, messing up my hair by having the roof off your car. The distress caused by having my image temporarily tainted, not to mention the huge repair costs in terms of hairgel, mean I have no choice but to bring this action about.

However, I am willing to settle out of court, please send me a cheque for £1000 and we can put this nasty incident behind us.

>> Edited by crazylegs on Tuesday 20th April 15:40

Regarding the 'damage' to your image, there's only one way your image could go and it isn't down. Having said that, they say you can't polish a turd so maybe it can't go up either!

Also, if I remember correctly you still practically had a mullet at this month's meet so your hair 'style' could hardly have been any worse for being in my car!

Finally, if things go well you will indirectly be paying me £500 my friend.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 25th April 2004
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jessica said:

Andy Mac said:
horeshoe pass, then on to Snowdonia is gorgeous!

That's a long run though.Nice idea but most people appear to meet have a smallish blatt and then a natter..

Sorry Lee Highjacking your meet..

What we need is a nice country pub that does real lancashire/cheshire grub..that we can blatt to from the romper or indeed a round trip...

Hey no problem Jess, it's not my meet, I need all the help I can get as I don't have much experience of this. I am going to get a map out next weekend and do a dry run of a route to make sure it is suitable. It will of course also be a great opportunity to take the car out.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Wednesday 5th May 2004
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Hi everyone

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything on the route - I'm working 0900 to 0200 practically everyday at the moment and it feels like I haven't had time to breathe let alone plan a route for us.

Any ideas?!


Edited to say: How about we meet at the Trafford Centre and blast down to The Romper, after a swift pass or two through the tunnels?

>> Edited by roadsweeper on Wednesday 5th May 17:04


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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OK, agreed. Meet between 1030-1100 in Ground Level Trafford Centre car park. We now just need someone who goes there regularly to tell us which car park to go to!! Any offers?


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 9th May 2004
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theblacktuscks said:
For the ground level car park at the Trafford centre exit M60 @ Jct.9. From the roundabout take the B5211 for Dumplington ignoring the first slip road signed "The Trafford Centre". At the traffic lights turn left. At the roundabout take second exit into the car park remaining in the left hand lane. Turn left inside the car park and find a suitable space.

Great, see you tomorrow.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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moleamol said:
I always frigging miss these. I should look at this forum more.

Yeah, get your @rse in gear I want to check out your 'grale!


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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jessica said:
You know why he keeps not arriving..He knows Jessie gonna womp 'im

LOL! Go Jess!!