Romper - Sunday 11/04/04 @ 1230

Romper - Sunday 11/04/04 @ 1230



Original Poster:

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277 months

Monday 29th March 2004
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OK, following on from discussions here...

How about a meet at The Romper on Sunday 11th April at 1230, the idea being followed by ?

How to find The Romper
Take the M56 to Junction 6 (one stop from the Airport) and join the A537 road heading towards Wilmslow. Barely 100 yards on the left is the Romper Public House, accessed by a small lane with a small church on the right of the Romper.

Reply to this post if you're interested.


Edited to keep attendance list up-to-date.

Balmoral Green

glen wheeler
li'l pugs

Not Attending
Wacky Racer

>>> Edited by roadsweeper on Saturday 10th April 15:04


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Tuesday 30th March 2004
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li'l pugs said:
Not hoping for a better offer mate, wife is ready to drop li'l li'l pugs any minute, so may have my hands full of sh1tty nappies instead !!

LOL! That's definitely not a better offer!

Since you are in the process of introducing a future PHer into the world a think a few should be purchased for you at the next meet you can attend - congrats mate.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Tuesday 30th March 2004
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lazyitus said:

Will try my best as I missed the last one.

Yeah, I missed the last one too.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Wednesday 31st March 2004
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Excellent - it's starting to look like we might get a good turnout.


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277 months

Wednesday 31st March 2004
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size13 said:
Can you make it a Saturday - sailing season starts for me on Sunday, right through til December!

Might have to skip a week though, so put me down as a maybe. It's either this or cars in the park on ther 18th

P.S. Is it a coupe brains?

>> Edited by size13 on Wednesday 31st March 16:19

I think Saturday could be trickier for people - I doubt I will be able to make it for one. Unless most people asked for it to be moved to Saturday we'll probably have to leave it as a Sunday I'm afraid.

However, there is the 18th to look forward to!


Original Poster:

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277 months

Wednesday 31st March 2004
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Wacky Racer said:
I would come, but I am away in New York on hols!!!

Next time hopefully....

Indeed. Second Sunday of every month so there will be plenty of opportunities.


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3,786 posts

277 months

Monday 5th April 2004
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pwig said:
No your not welcome... go away!

Seriously, everyone is welcome. If you don't have a TVR it will be a good opportunity to see some and maybe cadge a ride.


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277 months

Wednesday 7th April 2004
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will_t said:
Is this "Romper-Sunday" open to non TVR drivers of the Porsche persuasion ?

Only so we can convert you to TVR ownership of course!


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3,786 posts

277 months

Wednesday 7th April 2004
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lazyitus said:
Latest weather report: CLOUDY but DRY


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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theblacktuscks said:
It's becoming increasingly unlikely that I'll be able to attend.

I must say, that's very inconsiderate, I was really looking forward to checking your car out.


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277 months

Saturday 10th April 2004
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DRG said:
Pugs bring the Mrs along - a ride in a rumbling V8 Chim will be just the thing for induction of labour! I'll be on hand if there's any action!


Original Poster:

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277 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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Great turn out everyone - nice to meet so many of you

For the information of others who couldn't make it we had several Chimaeras (myself, CrazyLegs, Jessica), a black Tuscan S, a crystal topaz Tuscan, a silver T350C (R9TUS), a graphite (ish!) Tamora, a Bentley Turbo Red Label, an Elise, Porsche 911 Turbo (nonegreen) and some classic Tivs.

Oh, and pwig's Rover!

The icing on the cake was a blat with some motorbikes on the way home.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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lazyitus said:
Glad you enjoyed it. I couldn't make it (AGAIN) due to squeeky front suspension! Better safe than sorry.

Next time

Oh, but they all do that sir!

Seriously, hope you can make it next time.


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3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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jessica said:

roadsweeper said:
The icing on the cake was a blat with some motorbikes on the way home.

Narrrrrr!!!!!!! joining Li'l pugs and Dave for a zip on M/way home was ...

Hey, leave us weedy 400 owners with our dreams OK?!

jessica said:
Cheers Lee for organization. was a good 'un......

No problem. I was amazed at the turnout, I expected 3 or 4 cars and 6-8 people! I guess next time we should meet somewhere and then drive to another place so we get to see each others cars in action? Maybe the Trafford Centre and then lunch at The Romper (which I will book next time based on the turnout this time! ).

Anyway, now I've broken the ice for myself by meeting a few PHers I suspect I will be attending a few more events, if only to meet more TVR-driving chicks!


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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Balmoral Green said:
Ian Hislop?...wish I had a quid...etc

You mean you're not Ian Hislop?!

I feel like such a fool! (etc.)