Trafford Centre and Tunnels Meet

Trafford Centre and Tunnels Meet



Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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After a post on general TVR, the general consensus seemed to be that we organise another Manchester meet taking in the Trafford centre underground car park and the Manchester airport Tunnels.

A few of us did this last year and it was a nice run out.

Any takers for this Sunday (7th March)? Or anyone suggest another date if this is inconvenient.


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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Mmmm, 2 Griffs already I can feel some serious decibels coming on here!


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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OK! Getting some numbers now.

I think if we meet in the Trafford Centre Underground Car Park at 10.30-11.00 am on Sunday March 7th. How does that sound?


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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pwig said:
Oh wait, its the week after, count me in

Can I hop in anyones Tiv please?

If you don't mind doing some video work (ooer!!), you can have a ride in the Tuscan.


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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Wacky Racer said:

btw Neil, how did you go on with that big scratch on your car???

Has it been sorted yet?

Chipsaway are coming to see it on Saturday. He sounds fairly confident that he can sort it (has rung parent company about crystal topaz paint).

We shall see.


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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pwig said:

Sounds like a plan mate...

Where you gonna be coming from btw?

Will be coming from North of Bury down M66 onto M60 to the Trafford Centre.


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1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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jessica said:
as we got crap form TC dont u think we should go Macd's instead.had a few meets from there..or do ya want to be a real conformistssssss

Has always been a hobby of mine: jobsworth baiting.


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1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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The more the merrier. It would be nice to see a T350 there as well!


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1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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R9TUS said:
Tell me the time and I'll see you there

10.30-11.00 am in the Peel Ave underground car park. See you there.


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1,452 posts

264 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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NHyde said:
Don't know wether to or . Sadly Mrs H and I will not be able to attend .

........... got a last minute booking to TOBAGO leaving Friday 5th

.... we'll be with you in spirit

........ of the Rum Punch Kind

Have a great time Neil. I am sure we will see (and hear!) your SEAC again soon.


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1,452 posts

264 months

Saturday 6th March 2004
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Everyone still on for tomorrow? Weather looks to be ok.


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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A good turn out today. Fantastic noises through those tunnels. It was nice to see some old faces, and some new ones. Lets not leave it too long for the next meet.

The video of today is nearly ready. My bloody PC keeps on crashing though while rendering the video (probably a overheating thing), will post it as soon as it is done.


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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After much swearing and fannying about (I needed to change my CPU fan coz it kept overheating rendering the video) I have posted the video of Sundays jaunt.

You can find a link here:

I especially like pwig giggling like a schoolgirl!