Star Car for Wedding - Preston area

Star Car for Wedding - Preston area



Original Poster:

63 posts

249 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Is there anyone out there with a 'film car' that can make it available on the 19th October for a wedding in Preston?

Looking for anything like the General Lee, kitt, Strarsky etc. (any ideas)

Had a look at some hire places but there's no-one close enough to make it cheap enough.

Help please.........


3,539 posts

218 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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I hire my car out for weddings (driven by me), usually picking up the groom and best man.

Not a film car but something a little different. 05 Mustang GT. Send me a Pm if you're interested rather than calling the number on the website. I take bookings through a wedding car company but they wouldn't usually take bookings in Preston.

Edited by benny.c on Monday 20th August 16:59

Edited by benny.c on Monday 20th August 17:02


841 posts

254 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Have you tried ?
Alternatively try some of the owners forums, the closest being the American Auto Club North West :

We normally cover Preston but have nothing available for that date and ours aren't quite what you are looking for though they do have Film links.

Godd luck


8,883 posts

259 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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If yer willing to pay £2.5k for the hire you can hire Christine smile

I know thats absorbetant but its either that or you get the car without an interior cos I cant afford one at the moment smile


Original Poster:

63 posts

249 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Thanks for the info.

I'll pass on the idea for the 'Stang