Woodvale 4th / 5th August

Woodvale 4th / 5th August



Original Poster:

2,770 posts

244 months

Friday 3rd August 2007
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132 posts

222 months

Friday 3rd August 2007
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prob go tommorrow if the weather holds up. smile


1,280 posts

217 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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I went today, will be there tomorrow too. Good day out, well worth a visit.


975 posts

237 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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I went today as well. I thought the old RR’s and Defenders with their fat tyres were good, there seemed to be loads of them there. Some of the stands seemed to be empty or only a few cars, maybe most people are turning up tomorrow? I remember last year there was a really decent turn out by the Porsche guys especially. All the model aircraft stuff is a bit different isn’t it? hehe Standing a few metres from the Merlin (?) engines being fired up was good also.

Wacky Racer

39,403 posts

258 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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Excellent day out, although the admission charge is rather steep.......scratchchin


975 posts

237 months

Saturday 4th August 2007
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Yes, it's a bit of a joke to not have a "one day only" ticket option, they basically force you to pay for both days, but we all know that 99.9% of people are not likely to go on both days. They are effectively doubling their money with this pricing setup...taking the piss imo. I know I'm moaning a bit and I didn't have to go if I didn't like it, it's just the principle of it that gets me smile


1,280 posts

217 months

Sunday 5th August 2007
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Tis a bit steep now. It used to be about £12 a car full until a few years ago when Southport started their excuse for a car show and charged £7 to get in. Woodvale is 100 times better so it seemed silly of them to charge effectively less. I don't pay though otherwise I wouldn't be going both days!

Scout leaders must be rubbing their hands now!

It is always better on the Sunday, always has been, hell of alot more there! Although it might be pi$$ing down tomorrow frown


5,326 posts

217 months

Sunday 5th August 2007
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Was going until I saw the prices, forget that!


Original Poster:

2,770 posts

244 months

Sunday 5th August 2007
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I went today (Sunday) and what an absolute scorcher it turned out to be. Plenty of motors old and new, enough marks to please most if not everyone. Although I have to agree the pricing is way over the top. But will still go next year though.

My favourite being the Junior 911 with petrol lawn mower engine. How cool was that!


975 posts

237 months

Sunday 5th August 2007
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Saw the weather this morning and ended up going again today. Yeah, there were loads more cars there today so was worth it. Did you see the kid nailing that mini Porsche around the field?!?...looked like fun laugh I’ve put a few pics up here clicky if anyone’s interested. There’s one for you in there Pistuphead silly
Oh yeah, one thing that annoyed me was the coppers with the speed gun waiting in the temporary 30 limit on the dual carriageway when leaving, heading away from Southport so there was nothing to stop the traffic flowing at normal speed furious I think I was lucky not to get stopped (had clear dual carriageway in front of me with a 30 limit rolleyes ) as they were dealing with others at that moment, easy pickings or what, how to lose motorists respect in an afternoon...


1,280 posts

217 months

Monday 6th August 2007
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Gutted, first time i'm spotted and I hadn't cleaned it! Typical hehe

That was when I had nipped out and couldn't bothered parking miles away so I blagged my way past a scout to park in the middle of the field wink

edit - The police are Fcuking wr$ furious

Edited by Pistuphead on Monday 6th August 17:37


975 posts

237 months

Monday 6th August 2007
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Yeah...that was some impressive fly splatterage on your Golf hehe


3,312 posts

224 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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I was there in the yellow s2 elise on sunday did anyone spot me? didnt see any other elises other than the silver s1 I went with !

I agree the filth are scum ( speed camera on the way out of the event !)


975 posts

237 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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I did, you drove right past me on the grass in the direction of the Lotus area...love the black alloys/yellow combo on the S2 thumbup


3,336 posts

215 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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roadrunner440 said:
Was going until I saw the prices, forget that!


222 posts

211 months

Saturday 11th August 2007
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haha! used to be an air cadet at RAF woodvale .... the rally every year was the absolute highlight (free admission!) not been for years tho, despite only living round the corner ..... the hospitality industry sucks! i shall be there next year however, in my soon to be sebring-ified MGB!

G Star Racing

124 posts

218 months

Sunday 12th August 2007
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Was the same Hitler type guys on scooters fu***ng it up for all the car clubs that put so much in to be there. THIS IS THE REASON WE DON'T SHOW ANY MORE! Woodvale no.


12 posts

233 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Yep great show I was there in my Jeep, it's an SJ413 with a few changes.
This photo taken on beach near there.

Edited by oddball on Monday 20th August 09:54