Evening Meet at the Cat and Fiddle

Evening Meet at the Cat and Fiddle



7,803 posts

273 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Has anyone emailed Balmoral Green?

Cant wait to watch im chuck his Bentley round those little bends, gotta be worth following.

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Yup, I will be there!


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

273 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Shall we say 8pm at the Maccy D's in Mac?

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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i'll be there... Buggered if I know where it is... But I'll be here!
( Brum, bruuum... BrooooOOOMMMMMMMM...THUD! )

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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And no laughin at me great white shite either..Otherwise I'll get upset, and stamp my feet!


823 posts

256 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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pwig said:
Shall we say 8pm at the Maccy D's in Mac?



7,803 posts

273 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Pwiggy, lets meet in the Cat at 8pm never mind bloody Mac Ds the car park is full of people from Macclesfield with Bling Bling cars and sisters who are genetically very similar to Dolly the sheep. remember they buid the factory where the raw materials are and Parkside is not too far away.

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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What time is it gonna be going dark? I've never been on the C&F and just wanna know if I'm gonna die or not?


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

273 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Goes dark about nine, takes (me) 10 mins to get to the cat from maccy d's.

Me and Nonners can always just convoy up instead

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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You just wanna fill up with big Mac's ya greedy git!


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

273 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Andy mac said:
You just wanna fill up with big Mac's ya greedy git!

Unlike you who will nick them...

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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... leave my criminal record out of this...

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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You listen to Des O'Connor and ABBA in the car?

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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I've got no sound system.. Car is stripped.. I have to sing along to amuse myself.. That itself is criminal!


7,803 posts

273 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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Balmoral Green said:
You listen to Des O'Connor and ABBA in the car?

No, the Partridge family and the Nolans, whats your problem with that?

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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So, just to confirm for the Bib, we are meeting actually at the Cat & Fiddle pub at 8pm? Or earlier if we want a drink and check out the cars.

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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I would say earlier, just to have a look at your cars, and give you plenty of time to get over laughing at mine! no, seriously.. you'll fall over laughing!

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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I will be there earlier then, and no, I wont be laffing, the Astra looks very interesting from the pic on your profile.

If I want a laff, thats what pwigs for


7,803 posts

273 months

Saturday 8th May 2004
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Balmoral Green said:
So, just to confirm for the Bib, we are meeting actually at the Cat & Fiddle pub at 8pm? Or earlier if we want a drink and check out the cars.

The heliochopper thingy is already booked apparently. The BIB are looking for a Rovoh and a Porkoh and a Bentlay all going awfully quick.

So not much chance of them catching us then

Andy mac

73,668 posts

258 months

Tuesday 11th May 2004
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hehehe... Might have an Evo VII FQ-300 by then..wooo hooo... Fingers crossed!!