Trafford Centre and Tunnels Meet

Trafford Centre and Tunnels Meet



11,956 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Weyhey... was ace! Thanks to Nonners and Chim 450 for the rides

li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Yes, a most enjoyable run again, and nice to see all of you. Hopefully will get to do it again soon, preferably when the roof can come off without the big coat, gloves and woolly hat !!

Sending pictures to PWig for him to download onto this interweb thingy


11,956 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Are you on MSN mate?


3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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I'm still doing my kitchen so couldn't go.

Please arrange another one soon and I'll be there!

li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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pwig said:
Are you on MSN mate?

Nope........PH mail is attached to my works account and I'm on Jury service for another week so won't be anywhere near it. Address I gave you is the good ladies account which she accesses from home.......

Sorry, would do it myself but am completely useless when it comes to compukers and interwebs and stuff...


6,321 posts

255 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Fantastic day.....
me and Eli had to do the tunnels again on the way home,got quite a buzz as there was a plane taxing above just as we entered(that would've looked good on the video.)
The NOISE. Well you have to be there to appreciate it.It was awesome......

Nice to put faces to some more Ph names hiya guys.!


11,956 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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<--------------- car tart

(Well according to jessica and nonners anyway )


19,926 posts

269 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Sorry I couldn't attend.

Had 8 too many beers last night and stayed up to watch the GP.

Got to bed at about 5.20 and woke up at 11 this morning.

Hope it was enjoyable!


Original Poster:

1,452 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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A good turn out today. Fantastic noises through those tunnels. It was nice to see some old faces, and some new ones. Lets not leave it too long for the next meet.

The video of today is nearly ready. My bloody PC keeps on crashing though while rendering the video (probably a overheating thing), will post it as soon as it is done.


268 posts

260 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Great run out!! (good to put faces to names eventually!)
Did anyone else get an interior car wash on the way home?It was ok at speed on the motorway,but,I got stuck in a queue at every single set of lights on the way back!Still,it brought a smile to a few people's faces!!

Wacky Racer

38,480 posts

250 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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mack said:
Great run out!! (good to put faces to names eventually!)

Yeah, great to meet all the guys and gals, (feckin' freezing in the Tiger but what the hell ) special thanks to Nonegreen for letting me behind the wheel of his Porsche Turbo, (is he mad??) , and also to pwig for organising the do!

We will definitely have to organise a proper longer run out in Summer, perhaps up to the dales or somewhere.....

Just waiting for Neil to put the video up now


6,321 posts

255 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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pwig said:
<--------------- car tart

(Well according to jessica and nonners anyway )


6,321 posts

255 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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jessica said:

pwig said:
<--------------- car tart

(Well according to jessica and nonners anyway )

you know how much we love you Pwiggie!!!!!!
How much sky did u get on that vid?Hope you taped my best side

so Car tart we need a new thread......(Cars Pwig has blagged lifts in......)

go on you know yu want too.
take yu for a spin next time and really scare you.

I had a truckie honking me this afternoon.

I LIKE a good Honking......PHNARRRR,PHNARRRR
>> Edited by jessica on Sunday 7th March 23:07

>> Edited by jessica on Sunday 7th March 23:09


11,956 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Erm... My god... Do I have to name all of them?


6,321 posts

255 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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yes we need a new thread ....gimme five


3,786 posts

277 months

Sunday 7th March 2004
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Can everyone please stop saying how great this was? It's making me feel even worse that I was stripping wallpaper instead.

Someone be nice to me!

tvr novice

50 posts

250 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Good to meet some of the local TVR nuts. Enjoyed the short time I was there

Did the tunnels again on leaving - Hope you heard?? I was trying to catch a Testorossa (some hope) until some guy in VW pull out on me.

Don't like people who pull out on you (sorry Nonegreen)

- Thought about changing my name to Space Invader or something

Till Next time


262 posts

267 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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tvr novice said:
Did the tunnels again on leaving - Hope you heard??

Didn't hear you going through the tunnels, but certainly heard you flying past the car park. The best bit was, I was told mine sounds exactly the same, .


7,803 posts

273 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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tvr novice said:

- Thought about changing my name to Space Invader or something

How about...


tvr novice

50 posts

250 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Apple sauce please