Didsburys finest!



540 posts

265 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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Leevens hulme, hey? I thought you had that joyrider look about you Paul.

I'll come clean, I was born in Cheshire, albeit not a particularly nice part - serial killer GP's anyone?!

Doug, you're definitely gonna have to save a bit more - Paul's is a goodun!

Li'l Pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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ricardinho said:
Leevens hulme, hey? I thought you had that joyrider look about you Paul.

I'll come clean, I was born in Cheshire, albeit not a particularly nice part - serial killer GP's anyone?!

Doug, you're definitely gonna have to save a bit more - Paul's is a goodun!

I know that part of Cheshire quite well......have friends still living there, as are their grandmothers !

I was in the posh end of Levenshulme, near the biscuit factory...(Thursday nights, chocolate melting night )


540 posts

265 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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Mmmmm, the smell of chocolate and warm bicuits. When the wind blows from the east (rarely), the smell wafts across Cringle fields and "Round are way". It's great when you come home from the pub to be greeted with such moorish odours in the air

When I were a lad, me Nan used to bring back loads of broken Penguins etc from there. Eeeee, it were grand.

So you're after a 'family' car then. Good to hear it - there aren't enough of them on the roads around here. Although there were 4 last night which was good to see.
Which of the three engines were you thinking of - one of the V8s I hope?


6,321 posts

255 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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ricardinho said:
Nothing knowingly available to nick in Burnage. But Didsbury is a different matter - plenty of large houses with multiple cars mean that your area gets quite busy at night... whereas mine is quiet

Like I said, let me know which is your house and i'll send the boys round Before you know it they'll be over your Wonderwall and in and out without looking back in anger at a Supersonic speed

see I knew you was famous

li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
quotequote all
ricardinho said:
Mmmmm, the smell of chocolate and warm bicuits. When the wind blows from the east (rarely), the smell wafts across Cringle fields and "Round are way". It's great when you come home from the pub to be greeted with such moorish odours in the air

When I were a lad, me Nan used to bring back loads of broken Penguins etc from there. Eeeee, it were grand.

So you're after a 'family' car then. Good to hear it - there aren't enough of them on the roads around here. Although there were 4 last night which was good to see.
Which of the three engines were you thinking of - one of the V8s I hope?

AJP of course....not too bothered 4.2 or 4.5, just after the right car..........(4.5 would be nice though)


Original Poster:

83 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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I know, as soon as I heard the words 99 450 it sounded good, but also above price range I would suspect! Would be good to get a look all the same.

What about lock ups in the area?

Any views - or other ideas for storage??? There is a place on the M62 but at the other end unfortunately.

Li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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[quote=dougs]I know, as soon as I heard the words 99 450 it sounded good, but also above price range I would suspect! Would be good to get a look all the same. [quote]

Hope to be making it to a meeting soon, but if the whole family coming will be in the BMW.

Mail me if you want to arrange something Doug, and what is your price range anyway ??


540 posts

265 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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Jess, you've got mail.

Doug and Alwyn, Have you guys got personal rather than work email addresses please? I work in IT and I know I wouldn't want to be sending emails with that kind of content through my work email. Your companies may have strict email policies about non-work related emails / abusing the system etc. Plus the subject is quite sensitive, if you know what I mean.


AJ ;-)

467 posts

249 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
quotequote all
Li'l pugs said:

Hope to be making it to a meeting soon, but if the whole family coming will be in the BMW.

make sure you post which one, dying for a cuddle

Li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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[quote=AJ ;-)]

Li'l pugs said:

Hope to be making it to a meeting soon, but if the whole family coming will be in the BMW.

make sure you post which one, dying for a cuddle[/quote]

Will do, don't you worry...........Not sure what Cheeky LMC will say though, all these women asking for cuddles from me

>> Edited by Li'l pugs on Thursday 13th May 17:27


Original Poster:

83 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
quotequote all
Only email i've got i'm afraid - should be okay though, most things are - as long a its nothing illegal!!!

What's your chat Gallacher m'lad?


540 posts

265 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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"What's your chat Gallacher m'lad?"

Come again. Are you:
1. Wanting more detail about what I was talking about?
2. Wanting to know more about what job I do?
3. Wanting to know my mobile number?
4. None of the above?

I know someone who works for Diageo in Edinburgh. He's a bean counter.

Does Allwyn (so that's how you spell it ) have a profile on here. If not, me thinks he should be coaxed. Not that he should need it mind. Wonder if he can type as fast as he does the tunn...


Original Poster:

83 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
quotequote all
Correct - option 1!!!

Think it's just 1 L in Alwyn. No profile though which is bad news from the Almyster General. Coaxed? Nae, Punished! - imagine buying a Griff 500 and not being able to sample the delights of the PH forums!


540 posts

265 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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Maybe i'm just being paranoid, but there are people at places of work who can read emails before they are forwarded to the intended recipients. You never know who knows plod etc etc. I wouldn't want to be admitting to anything in writing whether it is meant in jest or not and regardless of whether it is illegal or not.

I agree, shockingly poor show from The Great Mispelt One. Oi you with the Cosmos Griff500, get thee to a computer and think of a moniker to use on this here smashin' website



Original Poster:

83 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
quotequote all
No worries - send email to the wifes old hotmail address while I set up one of my own. lesleycavana@hotmail.com.


9,907 posts

257 months

Friday 14th May 2004
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rockstar said:
I wouldn't want to be admitting to anything in writing whether it is meant in jest or not and regardless of whether it is illegal or not.

Walls have (and sometimes cameras), but then again, we were well below the speed limit, or am I thinking of the road above the one we were on
not to suggest that anyone was proceeding in a manner likely to commit or cause offence... unless you count the Merc droptop coming back into Didsbury, sorry about interrupting your classical-music listening with some real 'music'
Olwin/Allllwyn/Ellen/I'llwin/whatever -get on this 'ere PH - it's amazing the stuff you can find out about your new P&J and what to do when it goes
May I suggest '5milewidegrin' or 'cosmosblur' as a username - don't use anything as tricky to spell as Alwyn or ricardinho - he should just change that to rockstar and be done with it
See you all 'round


540 posts

265 months

Friday 14th May 2004
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Andy, that 43 after your name is a bit wishful thinkin', I think we can all see that Think you need to be adding a good 10 onto it. Plus you're gonna have to change your name every year

Ricardinho is dead easy to spell. I've just done it, you just did it. Ricardeenyo is the pronunciation. I can't see what the prob is. I mean its not as if i have trouble with 'lilly poogs' either or 'joshica' or 'Dooooooooooooooooooooggeeeeeee' .

Returned to my car in the car park this pm to find my handbrake had exploded all over my dash, showering the walnut with washers and a spring. My interior was festooned with the things. Brick in front of front wheel and in reverse now. Metal threaded bar has stripped the plastic thread inside the button. Am going to use only 2 of the 5 washers so that I can hopefully screw the button back on far enough so as to reach previously untouched thread.... for the time being. Was about to get Leven replacement soon anyway, but if it could have just held out another two weeks until my birthday (that's the 24th errrhem, cough, cough).....

Toniiiight, I'm a Rock 'n' Roll star


PS maybe i should have used Tricky instead

Li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Friday 14th May 2004
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You use the handbrake ??? On a TVR ???? Are you mad ??? Everyone know's the lever is only there for show !!

Stick it in gear instead......!!!

See you all soon hopefully........


540 posts

265 months

Friday 14th May 2004
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Dear Lilly Poogs

I use both handbrake application and gear selection when parked up. I know its generally for show, but it is sufficient to keep my halcyon beast where it is. Left it in reverse and it still rolled forward! Until the brick stopped it.

Also read the bible on adjustment of said handbrake. Seems like a real b'strd of a job. Mine only comes up two notches and it suggests 3 or 4. Am I only half cocked??? On second thoughts, don't answer that. My last girlfriend had no complaints....

Anyway, seems like the 'cavalier'(?) unit is pants. Anyone with a retrofit (Leven or otherwise) know if the thread inside the button is metal and not a plastic lining inside?

Should have started a new thread, but didnt think it warranted it as you're all such good peeps and very vocal.

Andy, agree with you on that Merc driver. He was doing fifty in the outside lane (70 limit), not overtaking the car in the inside lane and then braked when I arrived a (safe distance) behind him. Kids, classical music is dangerous! If you want to sink into that vegetated state that comes with such claptrap , don't drive Mercs at night anywhere! Or anytime actually Go home and listen to it on real British, high-end hifi, not a car stereo where you have bugger all space for the speakers and music to breathe and construct a soundstage in which to immerse oneself


Li'l pugs

1,323 posts

262 months

Friday 14th May 2004
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Less of the Lilly Poogs or we start with the Dick jokes !!