Body shop for a few things...

Body shop for a few things...



Original Poster:

35,714 posts

220 months

Tuesday 6th June 2023
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Hi guys,

I'm based near Fareham/Portchester and I'm looking at ensuring the longevity of my E90 M3. One common issue with this generation of 3 series is the rear subframe can corrode, which is obviously not good! I'm looking for a company that can remove the rear subframe, remove all the corrosion and treat it so it stays protected, as well as fit new rear subframe bushes etc at the same time. I would also like the wheel arch liners and side skirts removed and any grime cleared out, too.

Can anyone recommend a company that can do this? The latter should be simple enough, my indy may even do this for me. My indy could obviously remove the rear subframe but I can't see them doing rust treatment and prevention.

I am happy to travel a bit if necessary for the right place. I love this car, they're becoming rarer so it seems prudent to do this before it gets bad.


13,796 posts

266 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Try Rich at Southways Automotive in Fort Fareham.
I believe there is also a kit you can buy to weld in place to strengthen the subframe which has a tenancy to crack.



Original Poster:

35,714 posts

220 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Brilliant thanks! I've pinged an email over but if I don't get a reply by middle of next I'll phone them. Cheers for the tip.

Zephyr Speedshop

2,413 posts

162 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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Another good one is Jake at lived 9 lives customs in Southampton. If he can fit you in. He does some great work.


Original Poster:

35,714 posts

220 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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Zephyr Speedshop said:
Another good one is Jake at lived 9 lives customs in Southampton. If he can fit you in. He does some great work.
Brilliant, thanks. Will ping these a message too! The job isn't urgent so even if it is a 6 month wait it isn't the end of the world.