Me first spotted in the South West!
Excluding the likely lads of Daz, Bill, Glen et al who we all know well and regularly see with prized PH stickers affixed to their rumps; I've just had my first 'spoted' in the SouthWest:
Burgundy Red Y Reg Renault Clio Sport on the M5 at about Cribbs onwards to Avonmouth...
I can't figure out who was, but i honked, and held up for a bit, but I think my PH sticker is just that bit too discrete
He probably thought that it was just another BMW 316i wannabe larking about wanting a go; until I hoofed it off
Hello to whoever that was
Burgundy Red Y Reg Renault Clio Sport on the M5 at about Cribbs onwards to Avonmouth...
I can't figure out who was, but i honked, and held up for a bit, but I think my PH sticker is just that bit too discrete

He probably thought that it was just another BMW 316i wannabe larking about wanting a go; until I hoofed it off

Hello to whoever that was

Edited by Neil_Bolton on Thursday 3rd May 08:20
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