Nottingham... and do you love your city?

Nottingham... and do you love your city?



1,715 posts

194 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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I lived in Nottingham from 92 - 97. It was a great City back then. Sadly I have never been back since I left.

Met my now ex-wife there, worked for a Company called Hall & Tawse from 90 - 97.

Boy, did I have some good times in the pubs and clubs.


5,605 posts

133 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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bingybongy said:
I also spent far to much time in The Narrowboat. The Shippos was spot on.
After the Narrow boat round to the Irish Club to try and pull a student nurse with a pocket with a few coppers in to drop in the bucket the shirt and tie thugs brought round.
Ironic that the Narrowboat was demolished for canal development....but the Irish Club: great nights! A bunch of us used to drive up from Leicester (late 80s, early 90s) for evenings ending there, I’m amazed the ceiling didn’t collapse with the numbers bouncing up and down upstairs! We sometimes still reminisce about them. Still in Leicester (a much improved City now, I can report!!)
Lived with gf (now wife!) in dodgy flat in Chilwell for a year before buying in Leicester, remember being burned off (in my fairly nippy Colt turbo) by a clearly well tuned mk1 Escort going into town....
Some great evenings in Nottingham: wandering around Hockley, great old arts cinema at the Broadway, too many pubs to remember the names of....the Trip to Jerusalem was a top place (oldest pub in England, I see they now offer cellar tours!!).
Happy days!

Still head there on rare occasion...our kids loved to go to Rock City, & I caught a great Stranglers gig there a couple of years back with a beer buddy pal smile

Edited by mikeiow on Monday 25th February 07:40

Edited by mikeiow on Monday 25th February 07:41


10,419 posts

225 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Oh Nottingham
is full of fun...


My home city too. I worked in the city centre until recently and it's a decent place to wander about.


8,813 posts

231 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Although I've been Bred a Yorkshireman I was accidentally born in Kings Mill Hospital and remain one of only 3 people to have left the hospital without having a random limb chopped off.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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fridaypassion said:
Although I've been Bred a Yorkshireman I was accidentally born in Kings Mill Hospital and remain one of only 3 people to have left the hospital without having a random limb chopped off.
That's Mansfield/Sutton....a whole different kettle of fish! hehe

Roofless Toothless

5,828 posts

135 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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My son went to university in Nottingham, a few years ago now. He swears that one day he went past a pizza restaurant and there was a sign in the window.

"Special lunchtime offer, all the pizza you can eat - £4.50

And for an extra 50p we'll toss in the salad too."

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
antspants said:
I live just down the M1 in Leicester and spent many a night clubbing in Nottingham at The Bomb (showing my age now), and prior to that used to go drinking in Notts to see if the myth that there was a 5:1 ratio of girls to lads was true or not laugh
There once was an influx of girls, due to a a very big nursing college (or maybe university) near the centre. the 5/1 rumour is utter bks though.
Was 4/1 during the week at one time. Players factory employed 9,500 or thereabouts, mostly women. I can remember Thursday nights being quite scary! (But fun)

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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jesta1865 said:
My wife bought a brick for me in the Forest wall, next time we are in the UK I will make sure I see it finally.
Spooky...we were just looking at those last week!


1,631 posts

167 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Absolutely love Nottingham. It really does have everything you want from a city. Plenty of bars, restaurants and shops, both chains but also plenty of independents. Great for gigs/shows, sports, unis etc. All in a relatively small package too...

Spanky Van Dykes clap


3,748 posts

112 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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I lived there as a kid, went to Stevensons school,??

did it get renamed or knocked down? I went back a year ot so back but couldnt find it,

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Vocht said:
Spanky Van Dykes clap
Now Alberts. (But you'd not know the difference!)

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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bobtail4x4 said:
I lived there as a kid, went to Stevensons school,??

did it get renamed or knocked down? I went back a year ot so back but couldnt find it,
Was it in Stapleford?


3,748 posts

112 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
bobtail4x4 said:
I lived there as a kid, went to Stevensons school,??

did it get renamed or knocked down? I went back a year ot so back but couldnt find it,
Was it in Stapleford?

thats it thanks, but where is it now?

Edited by bobtail4x4 on Monday 25th February 12:22


2,603 posts

171 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Lived in the Park until 1962 (next to film director "Mr Frears with sticky out ears), then moved to West Bridgford (and attended the High School).

Special mentions for Carrington Lido, Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem, The Bell and the cinema that let two of us in to see A Clockwork Orange aged 15.

Still manage to catch up with old friends from Nottingham Swimming Club when I'm back in blighty.

Went to live in Coventry in 1981, not exactly a step up in the world.

Nottingham has to be one of the better towns in the UK.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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caziques said:
Lived in the Park until 1962 (next to film director "Mr Frears with sticky out ears), then moved to West Bridgford (and attended the High School).

Special mentions for Carrington Lido, Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem, The Bell and the cinema that let two of us in to see A Clockwork Orange aged 15.

Still manage to catch up with old friends from Nottingham Swimming Club when I'm back in blighty.

Went to live in Coventry in 1981, not exactly a step up in the world.

Nottingham has to be one of the better towns in the UK.

Carrington Lido long gone.


593 posts

120 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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ay up.

Spent 18 years of my life in/around Nottingham. Before i went off to Uni it had a positive vibe, great party city, music scene was huge and full of friendly people, things were being renovated everywhere and it had claim to some stuff the rest of the country ('cun-treh') didn't.

Since the recession... not so much. Seems like it's been on a downer for 10 years, i find it kinda depressing to walk around these days (and thus avoid it). It has all the makings of a great place - some great history, good people, good central location, great buildings etc, just seems very tired now. Bristol seems to have beaten it in the scene/'hipster city' stakes these days.

That said - you can take people out of nottingham but the nottingham never leaves the people. I was in a bar in chicago and heard a nottingham accent (which i'm pretty sure is something only nottingham folk can identify) - i shouted 'oi nottingham' and got a friendly 'ay up love!' back across the bar. I get the impression there's a decent resurgence of 'local first' attitude coming back, butchers/bakers/florist/restaurants/food assembly/etcetc all community supported. hopefully that continues - nottingham would make a great hub for a return to quality farming and thus food - the city certainly has the appetite for good food and drink.

oh and this:
bingybongy said:


22,154 posts

111 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Yeah ive heard some fantastic things about Bristol, and thats from Notts folk.

Funky Panda

221 posts

90 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Bit late to the party here but another Nottingham lad. Great to see a few old high school posting about the school. I was born in the city hospital and lived there until I left last year. Lived really close to Fermit infact. I've moved down south for work but got back at Christmas for a night out with mates. Great memories of triples for singles in BZR near the castle and breaking my foot falling out of Rock City on my birthday but walking it off because too cheap to get a taxi. I'm not sure I miss the place just yet as I go back to see the parents reasonably often. Sat in a pub waiting for tonight's big match though wishing I was there.


7,731 posts

258 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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We had our wedding reception in the Narrowboat. biggrin Was run by our mates at the time who gave us the run of the pub as a wedding present. Mates band played upstairs. Good times smile

jimmybell said:
ay up.

Spent 18 years of my life in/around Nottingham. Before i went off to Uni it had a positive vibe, great party city, music scene was huge and full of friendly people, things were being renovated everywhere and it had claim to some stuff the rest of the country ('cun-treh') didn't.

Since the recession... not so much. Seems like it's been on a downer for 10 years, i find it kinda depressing to walk around these days (and thus avoid it). It has all the makings of a great place - some great history, good people, good central location, great buildings etc, just seems very tired now. Bristol seems to have beaten it in the scene/'hipster city' stakes these days.

That said - you can take people out of nottingham but the nottingham never leaves the people. I was in a bar in chicago and heard a nottingham accent (which i'm pretty sure is something only nottingham folk can identify) - i shouted 'oi nottingham' and got a friendly 'ay up love!' back across the bar. I get the impression there's a decent resurgence of 'local first' attitude coming back, butchers/bakers/florist/restaurants/food assembly/etcetc all community supported. hopefully that continues - nottingham would make a great hub for a return to quality farming and thus food - the city certainly has the appetite for good food and drink.

oh and this:
bingybongy said:
Agree with your summary. I hope it gets its mojo back as it was a great place when we lived there. Oh and it was 'Selectascratch' hehe

Edited by Ace-T on Monday 25th February 19:28

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Monday 25th February 2019
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Ace-T said:
We had our wedding reception in the Narrowboat. biggrin Was run by our mates at the time who gave us the run of the pub as a wedding present. Mates band played upstairs. Good times smile
I liked that pub. We had a proper skinfull there before going across the road to the People's College to see the Pirates.