Nottingham... and do you love your city?

Nottingham... and do you love your city?


2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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blingybongy said:
Lexicon of Love is a stormer
There's not on bad track on it (and I know what's good & what trash is)

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Talking of ancient decrepit bands, I’m having to venture into Nottingham on Tuesday to see Madness…

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Square Leg said:
Talking of ancient decrepit bands, I’m having to venture into Nottingham on Tuesday to see Madness…
With the Lightening Seeds. Should be good (but I hope Madness do better than on Strictly the other week!)

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Square Leg said:
Talking of ancient decrepit bands, I’m having to venture into Nottingham on Tuesday to see Madness…
With the Lightening Seeds. Should be good (but I hope Madness do better than on Strictly the other week!)
Not keen on Lightening Seeds, but one of the chaps I’m going with is a big fan of theirs.

Listened to Madness live on Radio 2 this week - Suggs has almost resorted to just talking the lyrics rather than singing.. laugh

This’ll be the 3rd time I’ve seen them live (first time was around 1982 at the RCH) and they’ve always put on a good show, so fingers crossed.

Anyway, let’s hope I still have the wheels on my car when I get back to it ?or indeed, my car is still there…)

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Look after your car for a fiver guv


3,905 posts

149 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Look after your car for a fiver guv
We just parked roadside on Talbot St.
Very convenient.
I would certainly loved those scooters when I was living there..

Punchline to above joke being

'can he put fires out?'

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Skint as a skinty skint thing.

And they plan to stop all cricket being played on council land (that is paid for by the club playing) and to stop grass cutting.

Louis Balfour

26,732 posts

225 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Square Leg said:
Skint as a skinty skint thing.

And they plan to stop all cricket being played on council land (that is paid for by the club playing) and to stop grass cutting.
And they are increasing car park charges too, but they have not said by how much. If they ejected David Mellen they could use his pie and cake budget to plug even the most chasmic financial shortfall.

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Louis Balfour said:
Square Leg said:
Skint as a skinty skint thing.

And they plan to stop all cricket being played on council land (that is paid for by the club playing) and to stop grass cutting.
And they are increasing car park charges too, but they have not said by how much. If they ejected David Mellen they could use his pie and cake budget to plug even the most chasmic financial shortfall.
They’d have a massive surplus of cash then.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

Original Poster:

30,328 posts

238 months

Thursday 11th January
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Fusion777 said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
These days about 3 million people use the tram a year.
They sound like Covid affected stats, because 19/20 was 18.7 million. 20/21 was 3.4 million.
It is. But on top of that the bigger problem is buses are currently capped at £2.00
They've just announced the losses on the tram have moved on from losing £384,000 per week... up to £1,076,000 per week. Hard to imagine how that can be!

Louis Balfour

26,732 posts

225 months

Thursday 11th January
quotequote all
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Fusion777 said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
These days about 3 million people use the tram a year.
They sound like Covid affected stats, because 19/20 was 18.7 million. 20/21 was 3.4 million.
It is. But on top of that the bigger problem is buses are currently capped at £2.00
They've just announced the losses on the tram have moved on from losing £384,000 per week... up to £1,076,000 per week. Hard to imagine how that can be!
That which rejoices in the epithet "Scum Slug" is one expensive vanity project, ain't it.


2,063 posts

168 months

Thursday 11th January
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Louis Balfour said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Fusion777 said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
These days about 3 million people use the tram a year.
They sound like Covid affected stats, because 19/20 was 18.7 million. 20/21 was 3.4 million.
It is. But on top of that the bigger problem is buses are currently capped at £2.00
They've just announced the losses on the tram have moved on from losing £384,000 per week... up to £1,076,000 per week. Hard to imagine how that can be!
That which rejoices in the epithet "Scum Slug" is one expensive vanity project, ain't it.
Totally agree... living in one of the areas badly affected by the never ending construction a while back, I've always refused to use the bloody tram (that and the nearest stop is miles from my house).

Overpriced, inflexible, unnecessary and outdated. But as long as certain councillors have their ego stroked, that's all that matters.

Oh, and I like to use the term 'Ghetto Snake' alongside the ever-popular 'Scum Slug'.


3,905 posts

149 months

Thursday 11th January
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£1 million a week!!
What an absolute waste of money, time, effort.
Absolutely ridiculous, a solution to a problem which didn't exist.
Are there any tram systems which are any good or are they all vanity projects.


4,155 posts

106 months

Thursday 11th January
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blingybongy said:
£1 million a week!!
What an absolute waste of money, time, effort.
Absolutely ridiculous, a solution to a problem which didn't exist.
Are there any tram systems which are any good or are they all vanity projects.
Problem is, when it all collapses and ceases to work they have made the rest of the city so anti-car nobody will be able to get in / out / around the whole city. There will be an increase in car traffic once it closes and the city is already at gridlock 90% of the time. You can’t keep operating at that loss per week if true. Even at £400k a week it’s not sustainable.

But never fear, to bail them out there will no doubt soon be a congestion charge and ULEZ charge implemented (assuming they have the cash to implement the infrastructure, cameras etc).


6,855 posts

156 months

Thursday 11th January
quotequote all
blingybongy said:
£1 million a week!!
What an absolute waste of money, time, effort.
Absolutely ridiculous, a solution to a problem which didn't exist.
Are there any tram systems which are any good or are they all vanity projects.
£1m a week is criminal! Doesn’t the Sheffield tram operate at a loss also?

The Manchester tram works well.

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months


2,063 posts

168 months

Thursday 1st February
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Snout well and truly in the trough...

50 million deficit but, hey, let's give the Glorious Leader a 6 grand pay rise.


6,741 posts

124 months

Thursday 1st February
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Faust66 said:
Snout well and truly in the trough...

50 million deficit but, hey, let's give the Glorious Leader a 6 grand pay rise.
Not bad for failing.


5,456 posts

198 months

Thursday 1st February
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Faust66 said:
Snout well and truly in the trough...

50 million deficit but, hey, let's give the Glorious Leader a 6 grand pay rise.
I just wouldn't have the balls to getting it out and claim I deserved it.

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

Thursday 1st February
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Another stabbing, another murder yesterday.

At least Nottingham has been downgraded from ‘Shottingham’ to ‘Stabbingham’.

Brilliant, eh…..