Whygee02 is no more

Whygee02 is no more



Original Poster:

3,410 posts

211 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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With the imminent arrival of my new plates, whygee02 (old reg was YG02) is no longer, I'm now rebranded as SeanyD.


Original Poster:

3,410 posts

211 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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See !!


4,427 posts

272 months

Monday 4th February 2008
quotequote all
I like the idea. Instead of buying private plates, you simply chance your name to match the new plate. That idea might catch on! hehe


1,930 posts

219 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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whygee02 said:
With the imminent arrival of my new plates, whygee02 (old reg was YG02) is no longer, I'm now rebranded as SeanyD.
Hi Sean,

Just done the same matey.

I am now B16 FYS not 30121980


Stevie F


Original Poster:

3,410 posts

211 months

Monday 4th February 2008
quotequote all
Byff said:
I like the idea. Instead of buying private plates, you simply chance your name to match the new plate. That idea might catch on! hehe
Thats kind of what I did when I joined PH, used my reg as a login, my new reg however will relate more to my real name,


1,930 posts

219 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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Changed my mind again

back to 30121980


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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Byff said:
I like the idea. Instead of buying private plates, you simply chance your name to match the new plate. That idea might catch on! hehe
rofl best idea I've heard for ages. Now let's see what my new name will be

Mrs Crowley

10 posts

208 months

Monday 4th February 2008
quotequote all
tvrbob said:
Now let's see what my new name will be
does these mean that Stardust get her TOY boy at last rofl


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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Mrs Crowley said:
tvrbob said:
Now let's see what my new name will be
does these mean that Stardust get her TOY boy at last rofl
yes and I get my FUN girl wink


524 posts

222 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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You can't, 'cause it's at the cleaners.


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 4th February 2008
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Crowley said:
You can't, 'cause it's at the cleaners.
No mate, I thought I'd told you, it melted. I was hoping you would pick one up for me on your way home from the ring.

getmecoat before someone tells us off for knowing what we're talking about.


3,726 posts

295 months

Monday 4th February 2008
quotequote all
Byff said:
I like the idea. Instead of buying private plates, you simply chance your name to match the new plate. That idea might catch on! hehe
I used to go out with a girl called X 534 GDC.

A right little strumpet !


524 posts

222 months

Monday 4th February 2008
quotequote all
tvrbob said:
Crowley said:
You can't, 'cause it's at the cleaners.
No mate, I thought I'd told you, it melted. I was hoping you would pick one up for me on your way home from the ring.

getmecoat before someone tells us off for knowing what we're talking about.
Friction's a bugger...........