Treasure Hunt (THIV) phots.
Look at page 6 of the NE thread pages ( scroll back 5 more pages !) and look under the thread heading of 'Treasure Hunt Pictures'.
Its all there, plus a link from Zebs to another web page where Mrs Zebs photos are available.
Its all there, plus a link from Zebs to another web page where Mrs Zebs photos are available.
Edited by bomb on Tuesday 18th December 09:01
Edited by bomb on Tuesday 18th December 09:01
chrisstringer said:
Thanks Bomb...
A good reminder of those summer days that seem so far away. Couldn't get Zebra's link to work though, trouble here do ya think, or has the link been deleted maybe ?
Chris - go to zebra_888 on and let me know which photos you want - we can email you hi res version of the images.
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