New to the Fold.....

New to the Fold.....



Original Poster:

524 posts

222 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Well, after much debating and drooling, I've finally gone and done it.

I'm the proud new father of a nice bounching TVR Griffith 500

Thanks TVRBob for all your help and advice.


4,427 posts

272 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
quotequote all
Absolutely beautiful. thumbup


2,926 posts

263 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Congratulations looks like you've got a bit of a bargain thereclap


15,364 posts

224 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Very nice. lick


11,191 posts

266 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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My pleasure mate. I know you'll enjoy every minute.


3,407 posts

211 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Should have taken Dan-T with you, he knows his stuff. whistle


4,427 posts

230 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Nice one, matey. Looks spot on!!cool


4,555 posts

225 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
quotequote all
Stunning Jimbo.

Look forward to seeing it at the weekend.

Sorry I was unavailable last night - in normal circumstances I'd probably jumped in the liz and come down to see it.



4,555 posts

225 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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It's going to take a bit of getting used to, not seeing you in the little M100.



Original Poster:

524 posts

222 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Hasn't gone yet..........


3,725 posts

295 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Well done Jim.

Common sense has prevailed at last and you now join the Bobfather and Myself in TVR ownership.

It doesn't make you a 'bad person' ( doesn't !), and you will get lots of pleasure from it.

It looks a beauty.



610 posts

225 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Nice car Jim, Look forward to meeting up with everyone again in the New Year.

Dry Gez

523 posts

222 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Nice one Jim, (you lucky bugger!), looking forward to seeing/hearing it!



384 posts

218 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
quotequote all
Very nice,

Another TVR for the next run out.


Biker's Nemesis

39,773 posts

219 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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Nice car.


1,234 posts

264 months

Tuesday 4th December 2007
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OOh thats a great looking Griff mate was it up for sale at Sportmotive by chance ? Very nice bit of a bargain i think, had mine nearly 4 yrs now couldnt part with it. But go canny in it 500s have got a lot of go for a light car . Hope to see around.

mrs zebra

92 posts

221 months

Wednesday 5th December 2007
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Congratulations Jim. Look forward to seeing it on Friday!



1,987 posts

237 months

Wednesday 5th December 2007
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Very nice car....but you have'nt said what style chest wig comes with it or what size medallion you went for??? hehe


391 posts

295 months

Friday 7th December 2007
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Very nice look forward to seeing it , enjoy


1,057 posts

269 months

Friday 7th December 2007
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Very nice, must be a bit different to the lotus I guess.