Empty car parks in Tyneside / Durham area?
ad111s said:
once you have their permission its plain sailing
It'll never happen. Once the owner gives permission the owner becomes liable. Loads of organisations have tried this. The only time I know of that it worked was at Rockingham this year. Each driver had to sign an acceptance of liability before they entered the park and safety rules were in place as were St John's Ambulance.[quote=pbirkett]Strange question but I was wondering if there were any decent large empty car parks or similar open spaces in the area that I could use for, shall we say, getting to know my car better
you mean you just want to muck about going sideways like a teenage hudlum
just wait till it snows or get yourself on a trackday.

you mean you just want to muck about going sideways like a teenage hudlum

just wait till it snows or get yourself on a trackday.
zebra said:
Crowley said:
Like, a car parc, like man, like ....

Am i bovverd, like
Paul - you need to eat more mate, you're wasting away, innit.
Am i bovverd, like

OK, I guess the answer to my question is no

I just thought it might be safer to push my car to its "limits" in any empty car park than on a road. Oh well.
tvrbob said:
pbirkett said:
I just thought it might be safer to push my car to its "limits" in any empty car park than on a road. Oh well.
Don't push it to the limit on the road mate. Get yourself on a trackday like the rest of us.The last trackday i went to as a spectator, i saw several people cause some serious damage to their cars, also not something i wish to do... but you may have a point if there is no other options.
LD1Racing said:
There's one next to the pitch-n-put on the coast which is fairly big and no obstructions in it. Did enjoy taking my Skoda Rapide Coupe there back in the day, you know, for a bit of rear-engine training. 'specially when it had been snowing... 
Ah yes, I see. Thank you for that 

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